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今后所有的药品将实行政府定价和市场调节价,除了列入国家基本医疗保险目录的药品及其他生产经营具有垄断性的少量特殊药品由政府定价外,大量药品将由生产经营者自主定价,取消目前使用的差率控制制度。据了解,由企业自主定价的药品范围约占总数的三分之二左右,近七成药品都将实行市场调节,会不会出现老百姓吃不起药的情况? 有关人士认为,国家在制定这一政策时已考虑过相关问题。一方面,政府定价药品均是基本的治疗类药物,绝大多数病症使用这部分药品即可以治疗。另外,尊重企业定价自主权不等于不加管理,今后各相关政府部门会采取其他方式对其价格行为进行约束,促使企业科学定价。每种药品都有高、中、低档三类,病人可根据自身承受能力自由选择。总之,以 In the future, all medicines will be subject to government pricing and market regulation prices. Excluding medicines listed in the national basic medical insurance catalog and other special pharmaceutical products with monopolistic characteristics and other production and operation prices that are priced by the government, large quantities of medicines will be independently priced by producers and operators, eliminating the current Use the rate control system. It is understood that about 2/3 of the total pharmaceutical products priced by enterprises will be regulated. Nearly 70% of medicines will undergo market adjustment. Will the people not be able to afford drugs? The person concerned believes that the state is developing this The related issues have already been considered in a policy. On the one hand, government-priced drugs are all basic therapeutic drugs. The vast majority of illnesses can be treated using this part of the drug. In addition, respecting the autonomy of enterprises’ pricing does not mean that they will not be administered. In the future, relevant government departments will adopt other methods to restrict their price behaviors and encourage companies to set prices scientifically. Each medicine has three categories of high, medium and low, and patients can freely choose according to their own ability to bear. In short, with
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