Working Both Ways

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joylisten
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   The 2012 London Olympic Games have gotten much attention from Chinese citizens. Not only do they constantly keep themselves well informed of the intense rivalries at the games, they also take great delight in talking about how dominantly the winners have outperformed others in various events. As China bagged the highest number of gold medals in Beijing four years ago, the London Olympics have renewed their joys and expectations for the Chinese people to reign supreme at the top of the medal standings, as well as display good sportsmanship and unflinching will in competition at the world’s biggest gathering of athletes.
  One of the main reasons for this fervent enthusiasm about China’s performance in the Olympics stems from their belief that winning in international sporting events brings glory and prestige to their motherland. To a large extent, the development of sports represents an important aspect of a nation’s overall health and well-being. China used to be ridiculed as the “sick man of East Asia” through the first half of the last century, when it was plunged into internal chaos, widespread poverty and foreign aggression. Even during the first three decades of New China, its sports development remained by and large oblivious to the outside world, as the country had to give priority to fixing its poor and weak economic base. With the reform and opening up adopted from the late 1970s, China has made phenomenal progress in economic, social and cultural development, and also has become a new and formidable force in the world of sports.
  The fast rise in Chinese athletics has been largely attributed to the country’s national sports system, under which the government appropriates all necessary resources to select and cultivate talented athletes from childhood to adulthood, and provides logistics and facilities for all hopefuls, be they aspiring Olympians or local sports heroes. Over the past 30 years or so, this mechanism has proven very effective and fruitful in helping Chinese athletes excel in an increasing number of sports events over a relatively short period of time.
  While the country has gained more and more world championship titles, many Chinese citizens have voiced their opinions that priority should also be given to boosting public sports and fitness activities, given some statistics and surveys indicating the general health conditions of a growing number of Chinese citizens are deteriorating markedly in recent years. They suggest that more preferential policies and special schemes should be drawn up toward this end, and more funding allocated to build up more sports facilities for public use, from fitness equipment to sports fields and indoor gyms. After all, the primary function of playing sports is to maintain human fitness, and making citizens physically strong and healthy is no less important than earning medals in the global sports arena.
摘 要:开展“两学一做”学习教育,是落实党章关于加强党员教育管理要求、面向全体党员深化党内教育的重要实践,本文从“两学一做”的学习教育意义、亟待解决的问题、研究的措施方法来探讨如何促使党员增强党性、发挥作用。  关键词:“两学一做”;党员增强党性  我国从上个世纪九十年代中、后期才兴起的高职教育,现在已经成为高等教育大众化的有力支撑。我院刚从中专升为高职院校不久,教学模式的改变,教育对象的变化,学
【摘要】随着国库电子化发展的不断加快以及财税体制改革不断深化,县支行国库业务面临的风险点也随之发生了变化,如何规避这些风险是县支库在国库业务中积极探索的关键。本文从县级国库风险管控的现状、基层国库风险管控中存在的问题及如何进一步完善国库风险管控的途径三方面进行研究。  【关键词】基层国库 业务风险 风险防控  近几年来,随着国库电子化发展的不断加快以及财税体制改革不断深化,县支行国库业务面临的风险
摘 要:文章运用政治现代化理论,考察了“四个全面”战略与我国政治现代化之间的关系,既从政治现代化的含义、领导核心、根本保证、内容、表现、衡量标准、目标、道路和途径等方面论述了“四个全面”战略的提出及其实施,对于推动我国政治现代化的重大意义,又针对我国实际提出了全面落实“四个全面”战略、推动我国政治现代化的有效措施。  关键词:“四个全面”战略;政治现代化  探讨和研究“四个全面”战略的政治现代化意