
来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:melaniezhao
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农村卫生资金的筹集与利用是一个十分重要的问题。我国有9亿多人口生活在农村,农村卫生保健事业发展如何,农民的健康状况如何,关系到农村劳动力的保护,关系到农村经济的发展。由于集体经济体制解体,又加上缺乏与农村经济体制相配套的、系统的农村卫生政策,因此出现了部分经济困难地区农民的基本医疗保健问题尚未得到根本解决,制约着社会经济的发展;部分乡镇卫生院处境艰难;危房比例高,设备陈旧、短缺,资金少,收不抵支;人才流失,防保工作难以落实;合作医疗制度削弱,三级医疗预防保健的网底不够牢固,村级集体办医大量减少,农民因病致贫的问题得不到根本解决。因而研究在农村如何进行卫生资 The collection and use of rural health funds is a very important issue. There are more than 900 million people living in rural areas in China. The development of health care in rural areas is related to the health status of farmers. It is related to the protection of rural labor and the development of rural economy. Due to the disintegration of the collective economic system and the lack of a systematic rural health policy that complements the rural economic system, the basic health care problems of farmers in some economically difficult areas have not yet been fundamentally solved, restricting the development of social economy; Township health centers are in a difficult situation, with a high proportion of dilapidated buildings, outdated equipment, shortage of funds, low funds, and failure to pay; the loss of talented people is difficult to implement; the cooperative medical system is weakened, and the network of tertiary medical preventive care is not solid enough. The collective medical work has been greatly reduced, and farmers have not been able to solve the problem of poverty caused by illness. Thus studying how to invest in rural areas
摘 要教师在上课之前,总是要研究教材、选择教学内容、制定教学目标、考虑学生的学习办法、确定教师的教学办法、设计教学过程、制作多媒体课件或教具、设计课堂练习等工作,把这些内容写出来就成了教案。  【關键词】教案;备课效率;学习效果  教案是教师备课成果的书面体现,是教师综合主、客观情况进行教学艺术处理的结晶,是教师进行课堂教学的依据,是教师综合素质的具体体现。一份好的教案,符合教学实际,符合学生的认
目的 :通过自身交叉对照方法 ,观察中药呕宁方与西药恩丹西酮控制恶性肿瘤所致恶心呕吐反应的临床效果 ,以及对骨髓造血受抑程度的影响。结果 :中药组对含顺铂化疗和非顺铂化
重庆器·Haus空间(Organhaus Art Space)是一个由艺术家、策展人共同组成的非盈利性独立艺术机构。机构坐落于重庆501艺术基地内,拥有近200平方米的艺术家工作、展示空间及艺
本文介绍一种手提箱大小的脑电图检测装置,能实时显示、记录和分析八道脑电信息,特别适用于出诊和到病人床边工作。 This article describes a suitcase-sized EEG detection
介绍了钾、钠离子对一些植物药利尿活性影响的研究近况和一种揭示植物药利尿活性的新方法。 The recent researches on the effects of potassium and sodium ions on the d
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世界是破碎的,而真实与意义存在于碎片之中。为了寻找真实与意义,诗人以碎片重构出一个整体世界,而重构的思维就是电影的蒙太奇思维。 The world is broken, while the real