
来源 :浙江预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsssyd
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1996年3月间,横店染化集团有机化工二厂硫化黑车间,因白料锅内浆式搅拌器碰到底部出料管而停产检修,在下釜检修和救人过程中发生3人急性H_2S中毒事故,现报告如下。一、中毒经过1996年3月27日上午7时,早班班长向厂长A汇报因反应釜内浆式搅拌器碰到底部出料管需停产检修,并告知夹层已放水冷却。7时30分,持证焊工B在未戴任何防护用品的情况下,用梯子从加料口进入反应釜(该釜内径φ1600mm,高1.6m,主容积4.45m~3)。发现一只螺帽坏死,故用乙炔枪气割,作业不到3分钟就昏倒。A马上下去救人,情急之中,误为漏电,急喊职工C拉掉电闸(离事故不到10m),等C快步走回时,看到A也昏倒在釜内。闻讯赶来的机修工D,在不明情况下也急切下去救人,待电工及其他人员赶到现场时,三人均已昏倒。此时,厂部才怀疑是中毒,遂派2名职工佩戴防毒面具相继将3人救出,在现场未作任何有效急救,急送当地医院。 In March 1996, Hengdian Dyeing Group Organic Chemical Plant Sulfur Black workshop, due to the white material inside the pot stirrer hit the bottom of the discharge tube and maintenance shutdown, in the next kettle overhauls and rescue process occurred in 3 patients with acute H 2 S Poisoning, are as follows. First, the poisoning After March 27, 1996 at 7 am, the morning squad leader reported to the director A due to the reaction kettle slurry mixer hit the bottom of the discharge tube to be discontinued overhaul, and informed mezzanine has been water cooling. At 0730 hours, the licensed welder B entered the reactor from the feed inlet with a diameter of 1.600mm, a height of 1.6m and a main volume of 4.45m ~ 3 using a ladder without any protective equipment. Found a nut necrosis, it is acetylene gun gas cutting, homework less than 3 minutes fainted. A right away to save the people in desperation, mistaken for leakage, anxiously shouted workers C pull off the brake (from the accident less than 10m), so when C walked back and saw A fainted in the kettle. The mechanic D, who heard the news, was eager to rescue people under unknown circumstances. When the electricians and other personnel arrived on the scene, all three had collapsed. At this point, the factory suspected only poisoning, then sent 2 workers wearing gas masks have been rescued three people, at the scene without any effective first aid, emergency delivery to the local hospital.
为了落实好中央扩大内需,确保经济平稳较快增长的措施,很好完成我省新增投资工程建设项目,省水利厅于2008年12月30日在省水 In order to implement the central authorities