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去年11月以来,全国各地区、各部门认真按照全国建设工程项目执法监察第二次工作会议和全国电视电话会议的统一部署,积极组织第三阶段自查自纠和重点抽查工作。目前,这项工作已基本告一段落,取得了阶段性成果。通过自查和抽查,及时纠正违规违章问题;查处违法违纪案件:规范建筑市场行为,促进了反腐败斗争的深入开展,建筑领域管理混乱的状况得到进一步改善。10月25日,经建设部、监察部、国家计委、国家工商行政管理局领导联席会议研究,建设工程项目执法监察按计划转入第四阶段,即整改总结阶段。为切实抓好这一阶段的工作,特作如下具体安排: 1 指导思想 第四阶段是关系到整个建设工程项目执法监察能否取 Since November of last year, various regions and departments throughout the country have actively organized the third phase of self-examination, self-correction and key spot checks in accordance with the unified deployment of the National Construction Project Law Enforcement Supervision Second Work Conference and the National Video and Telephone Conference. At present, this work has basically come to an end and phased results have been achieved. Through self-examination and spot checks, the issue of violation of rules and regulations was promptly corrected; cases of violation of laws and regulations were punished: the behavior of the construction market was regulated, the anti-corruption struggle was promoted, and the confusion in the management of the construction field was further improved. On October 25, after a joint meeting of the leaders of the Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Supervision, the State Development Planning Commission, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the law enforcement monitoring for construction projects was transferred to the fourth phase as planned, that is, the rectification and finalization phase. In order to do a good job of this phase of work, the following specific arrangements are made: 1 Guiding ideology The fourth stage concerns whether the entire construction project can be taken into law enforcement surveillance.
朋友们、同志们: 今天,山西省能源研究会第三届代表大会开幕了。我代表省委、省政府向大会致以热烈的祝贺! 这次大会聘请我为本会的名誉会长,非常感谢理事长、副理事长、诸位
我国与英荷壳牌公司合资建设的广东惠州南海石化总厂,经双方洽商后,决定调整建设计划。 1.乙烯规模由45万吨扩大到80万吨;2.投资总额45亿美元,对等投入;3.建设进度调整到200
据有关专家分析,1997年我国造纸工业将会出现市场需求旺盛,供求状况好转,进口纸浆减少,价格回升的趋势: 一、需求旺盛,产量继续增加,供需缺口仍需进口解决。据有关部门预测,
依据中华人民共和国《大中小型工业企业划分标准》,经各地区及有关部门认真核实、审核,1995年度全国新增大型工业企业名单业已产生。 根据调整后的标准,四川长虹电子集团公
编辑部: 《“九五”全国设备管理工作纲要》提出,设备科学管理是优化资源配置和实行经济增长方式转变的重要内容,要积极探索建立适应集约型经济增长方式的设备资源宏观管理