中材节能 水泥行业节能减排先锋企业

来源 :中国建材 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SLANGELA
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中材节能隶属于原中国中材集团,是专业化节能服务平台,主要从事余热、余压综合利用,核心技术为低温余热发电,目前公司水泥余热发电技术已达到全国领先水平,同时多领域业务布局日趋完善,业务延伸至玻璃、冶金、钢铁、化工等其他领域,已成为国内余热发电领域的知名的全方位服务商。2007年起公司开始快速进军国际市场,业务遍及全球20余个国家和地区,实现了海外市场的持续开拓,海外市场知名度逐渐提高。2016年前三季度公司实现营业收入10.66亿元,同比增 Sinoma is a specialized energy-saving service platform under the former Sinoma Group. It mainly engages in the comprehensive utilization of waste heat and residual pressure. The core technology is low-temperature waste heat power generation. At present, the company’s cement waste heat power generation technology has reached the leading level in the country and many fields of business The layout is maturing and the business extends to other fields such as glass, metallurgy, steel, chemical industry, etc. It has become a well-known full-service provider in the domestic waste heat power generation field. Since 2007, the company began to rapidly enter the international market with operations in more than 20 countries and regions in the world. The company has continued to explore the overseas markets and gradually gained overseas reputation. The first three quarters of 2016, the company achieved operating income of 1.066 billion yuan, an increase over the previous year
在依靠法律追查凶手的艰难岁月中,老人也用信念和泪水创造了一个医学上的奇迹。 In the difficult years of tracking down the murderer by law, the elderly also created
连援律师: 您好! 我是黑龙江萝北县鹤北林业局汽运处工人,1988年1月21日因公致残,造成右腿高位截瘫。受伤前我的身体无任何疾病。 2000年8月,鹤岗市血站动员义务献血,我积极
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结束了,一切都结束了,当张真龙一双贪污162万元的黑手被一副冰冷手铐锁住时,他就意识到炼狱般的逃亡生活结束了,宝贵的自由也结束了,他的一生也将随之而结束了…… 一 2001