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中学阶段的阅读训练,对青少年语言与思维的发展,知识和能力的构成,思想和性格的培养,以及道德和情操的熏陶,都具有十分重要的意义。英国伟大的哲学家培根说过:“读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧,演算使人精密,哲理使人深刻,伦理学使人有修养,逻辑使人长于思辨。总之,‘知识能塑造人的性格’。”这番精辟的论述是对每个人说的“劝学篇”,显然,对中学生来说更属金玉良言了。阅读,在今天的作用似乎还不止培根说的这些,因为我们生活的时代早非十七世纪,而是二十世纪的八十年代了。在新的技术革命浪潮中,阅读不再是一种闭门恬吟密咏式的自我需要,而是日新月异的生活、学习和工作的需要,是获取新的信息的必要手段。这种情况,当我们的学生进入九十年代和下一世纪的时侯,就更明显、更突出了。阅读是一个复杂的心理活动过程,视觉把文字(印的或写的语言符号)反映到大脑,刺激大脑产生各个相应部分的兴奋和抑制,取得意义,然后比较原有信息的意义贮存(现代科学研究发现人脑记忆句子只贮存句子的语义),进行综合处理,决定理解和记忆。因此,阅读也是一种基本的智能活动表现,是阅读者一系列外在和内在行为构成的总和。如果阅读者没有形成一个内在的有效的阅读机制,显然任何好的阅读方法(即外在行为)都等于零。这就表明:阅读训练就是一种语言与思维的训练,一个学生的阅读能力如何,主要看他对书面材料是否能够准确、快速地认读、理解和评价。要使学生具有较强的阅读能力,必须全面地、科学地抓好内在和外在阅读行为的训练。 Reading training at the middle school level is of great importance to the development of adolescents’ language and thinking, the formation of knowledge and ability, the cultivation of ideas and personality, and the influence of morality and sentiment. The British great philosopher Bacon said: “Reading history makes people wise, reading poems makes people smart, calculations make people precise, philosophy makes people profound, ethics makes people self-cultivation, logic makes people think longer. In short, “knowledge can Shaping people’s personality.” This insightful exposition is a “study for scholarship” that is spoken to everyone. Obviously, it is a good statement for middle school students. Reading, today’s role seems to be more than Bacon’s saying, because the time we lived was not in the seventeenth century but in the eighties of the twentieth century. In the new wave of technological revolution, reading is no longer a closed-minded self-requirement, but the need for daily life, learning and work, and the necessary means to obtain new information. This situation is even more evident when our students enter the 1990s and the next century. Reading is a complex process of mental activity. Vision visualizes words (printed or written language symbols) to the brain, stimulating the brain to produce excitement and inhibition of each corresponding part, gaining meaning, and then comparing the meaning of the original information to storage (modern science The study found that human brain memory sentences only store the semantics of the sentences, and perform comprehensive processing to determine understanding and memory. Therefore, reading is also a basic manifestation of intelligent activity. It is the sum of a series of external and internal behaviors of the reader. If the reader does not form an intrinsically effective reading mechanism, it is clear that any good reading method (ie, external behavior) is equal to zero. This shows that: reading training is a language and thinking training, a student’s reading ability, mainly depends on whether he can read, understand and evaluate the written material accurately and quickly. To enable students to have a strong reading ability, we must comprehensively and scientifically grasp the training of internal and external reading behaviors.
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为了提高初中数学课堂教学质量,不少地市开展了数学优质课评选和教改实验的观摩活动。如何评选一节数学课的优劣,是摆在我们面前的一个现实课题。 学生是主体,教师是主导。
先看一个例子。例 解下列二元线性方程组: 解后发现:这三个方程组虽然互不相同,但它们的解却是相同的,均为这是为什么?经观察,发现这三个方程组中的每个方程的系数与常数项
部分立几问题若不局限已知的直观图,作适当的图形变换,则求解简捷方便。 1.图形补充 通过补充平面或空间图形,把分散的条件集中起来,便于分析问题和解决问题。 例1 如图,已
有一道单项选择题是这样的:下列城市中,工业布局属“临海型”的是:A.英国的阿伯丁;B.中国的鞍山;C.意大利的塔兰托;D.中国的大连。 这道题的正确答案是C。但许多同学认为这