常备不懈 确保度汛安全

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国务委员陈俊生告诫我们:江河防洪问题始终是心腹之患。对地处长江、淮河、黄河、海河四大流域的河南省来说,尤其如此,年年都把防汛放在一个很重要的位置上,全省上下、党政军民都给予了极大的关注。这是因为河南具备两个自然过渡条件,一个是南北气候过渡,另一个是由西向东山区向平原过渡。这一特殊的地理位置,决定了河南这块16万平方公里的土地上灾害频繁。建国40多年来,全省洪涝灾害年平均淹地都在1500万亩之多。1958年黄河大水,1963年海河流域大水,1975年淮河流域的洪汝河大水,都使河南广大人民群众的生命财产遭到了极为严重的损失。1991年江淮大水,河南仅扫了个边,但仍给信阳、驻马店、周口等地区的一些县、市造成直接经济损失50多亿元。灾害造成的损失给了我们沉痛的教训,痛定思痛,又给了我们很大启示:必须加快水利建设步伐,提高水利工程抗御洪涝灾害的能力。 State Councilor Chen Junsheng warned us that the issue of flood control in rivers has always been a confidant. This is particularly so for Henan Province, which is located in the four major drainage areas of the Yangtze River, the Huaihe River, the Yellow River and the Haihe River. Flood control is put in a very important place every year. Great attention has been paid by the party, government and military . This is because Henan has two natural transitional conditions, one is the climate transition from north to south and the other is the transition from west to east to the plain. This special geographical location, the decision of Henan this 160,000 square kilometers of land on the frequent disasters. For more than 40 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the average flooded area of ​​flood-prone disasters in the province has been as much as 15 million mu. The floods of the Yellow River in 1958, the floods in the Haihe River Basin in 1963 and the floods of the Hongru River in the Huaihe River Basin in 1975 all brought great losses to the lives and property of the broad masses of people in Henan. In 1991, when the Jianghuai flood and Henan only swept aside one side, some counties and cities in areas such as Xinyang, Zhumadian and Zhoukou still caused more than 5 billion yuan of direct economic losses. The losses caused by the disasters have given us painful lessons. They have given us a great lesson. We must speed up the pace of water conservancy construction and enhance the ability of water conservancy projects to resist floods and floods.
关于软组织恶性纤维组织细胞瘤 ,国内文献报道较少 ,我院自 1 993年 1月开始对此病采用综合治疗 ,取得了较好的疗效 ,现结合临床及文献报道分析如下。1 资料与方法1 1 一