Optimization of Hot Water Extraction Process for Polysaccharide from Rhizoma Phragmitis by Response

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ltqhan
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[Objective] To optimize the process of hot water extraction for polysaccharide from rhizoma phragmitis with response surface analysis.[Method] The impact of extraction temperature,extraction duration and solid to liquid ratio on the yield of polysaccharide from rhizoma phragmitis were investigated,based on which the response surface analysis was adopted to study the effect of each variable and their interactions on yield of polysaccharide and optimize the extraction parameters.[Result] It was found that the optimal parameters for extraction of polysaccharide from rhizoma phragmitis were as following:extraction temperature of 82 ℃,extraction duration of 155 min,solid to liquid ratio of 1:19 and extraction times of two times.Under above conditions,the extraction yield of polysaccharide could reach as high as 1.226%.[Conclusion]The research provided theoretical guidance for the industrial production of rhizoma phragmitis polysaccharide. [Objective] To optimize the process of hot water extraction for polysaccharide from rhizoma phragmitis with response surface analysis.[Method] The impact of extraction temperature, extraction duration and solid to liquid ratio on the yield of polysaccharide from rhizoma phragmitis were investigated, based on Which the response surface analysis was adopted to study the effect of each variable and their interactions on yield of polysaccharide and optimize the extraction parameters.[Result] It was found that the optimal parameters for extraction of polysaccharide from rhizoma phragmitis were as follows:extraction temperature Of 82 °C, extraction duration of 155 min,solid to liquid ratio of 1:19 and extraction times of two times.Under above conditions,the extraction yield of polysaccharide could reach as high as 1.226%.[Conclusion]The research provided For the industrial production of rhizoma phragmitis polysaccharide.
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