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在南京扬子石化精细化工有限责任公司年产1500t醋酸正丙酯工业装置上进行了BILE-3型离子液体催化合成醋酸正丙酯的工业实验。考察了BILE-3型离子液体催化合成醋酸正丙酯工艺中反应体系水、酸度等工艺条件对酯化反应的影响,并与传统硫酸催化酯化工艺进行了比较。工业实验结果表明,酯化反应体系中水小于反应物料质量分数5%,酸度在45~65gKOH/100g,酯化釜液位高度在反应釜容积的50%~70%,酯化反应转化率为95%以上,选择性为99%以上;与传统硫酸催化酯化相比,BILE-3型离子液体催化工艺具有生产成本低、过程清洁、不腐蚀设备、运行周期长等优点。 The commercial experiment of BILE-3 type ionic liquid catalytic synthesis of n-propyl acetate was carried out on an annual output of 1500t n-propyl acetate plant in Nanjing Yangzi Petrochemical Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. The effects of reaction conditions such as water and acidity on the esterification reaction of BILE-3-type ionic liquid catalyzed synthesis of n-propyl acetate were studied, and compared with the traditional esterification of sulfuric acid. The results of industrial experiments show that the esterification reaction system water is less than 5% of the mass of the reaction mass, acidity in the 45 ~ 65gKOH / 100g, Esterification tank level in the reactor volume of 50% to 70%, esterification conversion rate 95% selectivity over 99%. Compared with the traditional esterification catalyzed by sulfuric acid, the BILE-3 ionic liquid catalytic process has the advantages of low production cost, clean process, non-corrosive equipment and long operation period.
由中国乐器协会、上海国际展览中心有限公司及法兰克福展览(香港)有限公司共同主办的Music China2006中国(上海)国际乐器展览会将于10月18日~21日在上海新国际博览中心隆重举
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Tensile and isothermal fatigue tests were carried out on an as-rolled Mg-12Gd-3Y-0.5Zr alloy and its heat-treated counterpart at different temperatures. The exp
语文学习自我效能感,即在学习过程中能否达到学习目标和参与学习任务的能力,初中生对此具备判断能力. 培养语文学习自我效能感能够提高学生语文成绩,是对学生实现“授之以渔