这个月driven中有几款车值得关注,一个是第五代的CR-V,不仅外观内饰大幅升级,底盘和动力系统也得到了全面的提升,尤其是动力系统,换装了1.5T的发动机,另外还有一款混合动力系统。自此,本田也开始进入了全面的涡轮化和混动时代。无疑,在动力参数以及燃油经济性两方面,这款CR-V将会交出一个令人满意的答卷。那款奥迪A6 Avant车型我也试驾了一下,整体感觉非常不错,甚至一度让我觉得购买一辆SUV,还不如直接买一辆旅行车来得实惠。因为这款车不仅拥有很强的驾驶沟通感,同时它的四驱功能还兼具了一定的通过性,我想它有可能成为我下辆车的首选车型。一年一度的敞篷车专题这次让我印象最深刻,在没有美女陪伴的情况下,我们几
There are several cars driven by this month are worth attention, one is the fifth generation CR-V, not only the appearance of a substantial upgrade, chassis and power system has also been fully upgraded, especially the power system, dress up a 1.5T Engine, in addition to a hybrid system. Since then, Honda has also entered a period of full turbo-mixing. Undoubtedly, the CR-V will deliver a satisfactory answer in terms of power parameters and fuel economy. That Audi A6 Avant model I also test drive a bit, the overall feeling is very good, and even made me think that once bought a SUV, might as well buy a wagon to get benefits. Because this car not only has a strong sense of driving a sense of communication, and its four-wheel drive also has some passing features, I think it may become the preferred car next to me. The annual convertible topic impresses me most deeply. In the absence of a beautiful woman, how many of us