Fragmented People in the Fragmented Country in Midnight's Children:Viewed from the Perspective

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In Midnight’s Children,frequently seen are the words like“hole”,“segment”,“crack”,and the damage and loss of bodily function such as amnesia,which is called a“phenomenon of fragmentation”in this paper.In terms of the phenomenon,the characters of three generations in Midnight’s Children are analyzed.It is found that colonial culture exerts a long-lasting impact on its colonized people,under whose influence generations of colonized people find it hard to negotiate their dual cultural identities.This happened to India.Postcolonial Indians had fragmented identities.Furthermore,the phenomenon also reflects that India was a fragmented nation,whose nationals desired peace,unity,and prosperity. In Midnight’s Children, frequently seen in the words like “hole”, “segment”, “crack”, and the damage and loss of bodily function such as amnesia, which is called a “phenomenon of fragmentation” in this paper. Terms of of the phenomenon, the characters of three generations in Midnight’s Children are analyzed. It is found that colonial culture exerts a long-lasting impact on its colonized people, under whose influence generations of colonized people find it hard to negotiate their dual cultural identities. This happened to India.Postcolonial Indians had fragmented identities .Furthermore, the phenomenon also reflects that India was a fragmented nation, whose nationals desired peace, unity, and prosperity.
表姐准备在我家住一个星期,可她懒得骨头里都快生虫子了,别说住一个星期,就是住一天我都快受不了了。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
这次,我们到安阳参观和学习。原来不准备讲什么,因为大家的盛意,我想对中国陵墓制度变迁的历史谈点看法。 关于陵墓制度的起源,我认为是在春秋战国之际。在春秋以前,墓是没
走进湖南省湘潭市云塘小学的校门,只见操场上画着一个巨大的棋盘,教室走廊悬挂着巨大的棋子——“帅”。  原来,这是一所棋类特色学校。美丽的校园里,“潜伏”着不少下棋高手。一起来分享他们的快乐故事吧。     录音棚  采访对象一:周楚卉(四年级)  (周楚卉是一个很爱笑的女孩。)  我可是国际跳棋的全国冠军(大笑)。什么,你夸我厉害?不,我只是运气好,抽签分到的对手不厉害。  我从前不爱说话,安静着
During the period of the two Jin Dynasties(两晋,265-420)and the Northern and South-ern Dynasties(南北朝,420-589),the re-cords of many medical men were included
我们一到达海南岛的三亚市,就直奔传说中的“天涯海角”。那里是海南岛的最南端呢!  妈妈买好票,我们一行人走进景区,奔向美丽的沙滩。我和洋洋脱了鞋,踩在金黄的沙上。仔细一看,哟,这沙子还分两种呢,一边的沙子很小很细,踩起来很舒服;另一边的沙子很粗,把冲上沙滩的海水滤得很清。  我想让海水冲冲脚,便把裤管卷得高高的,走到海水里去。我走到海水没过小腿肚子那么深的地方,一个大浪扑过来,把我的裤子都打湿了。
From the Han Dynasty(汉,206-220 A.D.)on,the number of new medicines increased dra-stically.Many were discovered in China,whileothers,including several traditio