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目的 为了解我国少年儿童对豆粉、去植酸豆粉和牛奶中钙、铁、锌的吸收利用率 ,通过普及饮用豆粉 ,改善我国居民蛋白质和矿物质的营养状况提供理论依据。方法 选择 57名 1 2~ 1 4岁男童 ,按年龄、身高、体重和血红蛋白含量匹配 ,分成 3组 ,分别给予强化豆粉、强化去植酸豆粉和强化牛奶 2 2 0ml,其中含钙 2 70mg、铁 4mg、锌 4mg。给予受试者用稳定性核素4 4Ca、58Fe和70 Zn标记的受试物 ,以亮蓝和镝标记粪便 ,收集粪便样品 ,测量强化去植酸豆粉、豆粉和强化牛奶中钙、铁、锌的吸收率 ;使用热离子化质谱法测定粪便中4 4Ca含量 ;应用感应耦合等离子质谱法测定粪便中58Fe和70 Zn的丰度及镝的含量 ,计算铁、锌的表观吸收率 ,并以镝的回收率进行校正。结果 豆粉组、牛奶组和去植酸豆粉组的铁吸收率分别为 (6 7± 3 8) %、(1 5 5± 9 2 ) %和 (2 0 6± 7 3) % ,钙吸收率分别为 (43 5±1 0 7) %、(64 2± 1 1 4) %和 (50 9± 6 6) % ,锌吸收率分别为 (1 1 3± 6 5) %、(31 2± 1 0 4) %和 (2 0 1±7 4) %。强化豆粉经去除植酸处理后 ,钙、铁、锌的吸收率显著高于未去植酸的豆粉 ;牛奶中钙和锌的吸收率高于去植酸强化豆粉 ;经去除植酸处理后的豆粉中铁吸收率高于牛奶 ,但差异无显著性。我国儿童由于 Objective To understand the absorption and utilization of calcium, iron and zinc in soybean meal, phytic acid, soybean meal and milk in our country, and to provide theoretical basis for popularizing the nutritional status of Chinese residents’ protein and minerals by drinking soybean meal. Methods Fifty-two boys aged 12 to 14 years old were selected and matched according to their age, height, body weight and hemoglobin content. They were divided into three groups, and were given fortified soybean meal, fortified phytoncidated soybean meal and fortified milk respectively, with calcium 2 70mg, iron 4mg, zinc 4mg. Subjects were given test articles labeled with 4Na, 58Fe and 70Zn with stable nuclides, labeled with bright blue and dysprosium, stool samples were collected, and fortified phytic soybean meal, soy meal and fortified milk were measured for calcium, Iron and zinc absorption rate; determination of 4 4 Ca in feces by thermal ionization mass spectrometry; determination of abundance and dysprosium content of 58 Fe and 70 Zn in feces by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to calculate the apparent absorption rate of iron and zinc , And the correction of dysprosium recovery. Results The iron uptake rates of soybean flour group, milk group and soybean phytase group were (6 7 ± 3 8)%, (1 5 5 ± 9 2)% and (2 0 6 ± 7 3)%, respectively The absorption rates were (43 5 ± 1 0 7)%, (64 2 ± 1 1 4)% and (50 9 ± 6 6)%, respectively, and the absorption rates of zinc were (1 1 3 ± 6 5)% and 2 ± 1 0 4)% and (2 0 1 ± 7 4)%. Fortified soybean meal after removal of phytic acid treatment, the absorption rate of calcium, iron, zinc was significantly higher than that of unglazed soybean meal; calcium and zinc in milk absorption rate higher than that of phytic acid fortified soybean meal; phytic acid The iron absorption rate of soybean meal after treatment was higher than that of milk, but the difference was not significant. Due to our children
目的 通过 SRS、GIS、PCA三者在实际中的应用 ,找出登革热 (DF)及媒介空间分布的主要影响因素。方法 利用 ERDAS8.5软件从 AVHRR卫星图像中提取各监测点 NDVI、利用 Krig-i