各位代表、同志们: 四川省有色金属学会第二次会员代表大会今天隆重开幕了。这次大会是在我国实施科教兴国战略,大力加强社会主义精神文明建设,全国各族人民满怀信心地迎接二十一世纪的新形势下召开的,是全省有色科技工作者瞩目和关心的一件大事。在此,谨以我个人的名义向大会表示热烈的祝贺!向有色科技工作者致以亲切的慰问和崇高的敬意!
Dear Delegates, Comrades, The Second Member Congress of Sichuan Nonferrous Metals Society was grandly opened today. This conference is held in our country under the new situation of carrying out the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, vigorously strengthening socialist spiritual civilization, and people of all nationalities nationly confronting the 21st century confidently, and is one of the most notable and concerned areas for non-ferrous scientific and technological workers in the province A major event. Here, I would like to extend my warm congratulation on behalf of the General Assembly to extend my cordial condolences and highest respect to the colored scientists and technicians.