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随着春节已经过去,业内企业们又开始踏上了自己新一年的征程,或扩大厂房,或开新店面。虽然时下市场遇冷,但企业老板们仍然相信市场回暖时期或会不远矣。说到店面,在近段时间经过走访调查后发现了一个十分有趣的现象,即店面的位置不同,所取得效果也不一样。据了解,在店面选址上,有一部分企业并非都是选择人气旺的地方,也并非非与同行扎堆在一起,而是选择在一处没有红木家具卖场的地方单独开一个店面。这其中究竟隐藏着什么玄机呢?经调查发现,企业在店面选址上可概括归纳为三种现象:店面扎堆、进驻卖场及远离竞争地。这三种现象之间,各自因店面的选址不同,企业在定位、营销渠道以及管理上又有所差异。 With the Spring Festival has passed, the industry companies have embarked on their journey of the new year, or expand the plant, or open a new storefront. Although the market is now cold, but business owners still believe that the market warmer period may not be far away. Speaking of storefronts, in the recent period of time after visiting the survey found a very interesting phenomenon, that is, the location of the storefront, achieved results are not the same. It is understood that in the store site selection, there are some companies are not popular place to choose, but also not together with their peers get together, but choose not to mahogany furniture stores in a place to open a separate storefront. Which of these hidden in what mystery it? The survey found that enterprises in the store location can be summarized into three phenomena: store get together, entered the store and away from the competition. Between these three phenomena, each due to the different locations of the store, companies in the positioning, marketing channels and management are different.