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韦运务同志生前是广西河池市宗教办主任,是新时期宗教工作干部的优秀代表。作为一名基层宗教工作干部,他几十年如一日,在平凡的岗位上兢兢业业,默默奉献。在他身上,集中体现了新时期宗教工作干部的精神风貌。为弘扬韦运务同志精神,2005年12月,国家宗教局作出了在全国宗教工作系统开展向韦运务同志学习的决定。半年多来,各地宗教工作部门采取多种形式,积极开展向韦运务同志学习的活动,在宗教工作干部中兴起了敬业、奉献、清廉、好学、奋进之风,取得了积极的成效。在学习韦运务同志过程中,福建省民宗厅专门召开党组会进行研究,并向全省各级民族宗教工作部门下发通知,做出安排部署。厅领导带头学习,带头参加讨论,带头撰写体会文章,厅机关每位干部都撰写了学习体会。广西作为韦运务同志的故乡,在自治区宗教局和中共河池市委的号召下,广泛开展了学习活动。6月15日,广西壮族自治区召开全区宗教工作系统学习韦运务同志座谈会。国家宗教局副局长齐晓飞专程前往参加并发表重要讲话。广西各市、县(市、区)宗教工作部门负责同志100多人参加了会议,6位同志作了大会发言。会议还将33位同志的学习体会编印成书面交流材料。为进一步推动学习韦运务同志活动的深入开展,现将齐晓飞副局长的讲话暨广西、福建的学习材料摘要刊发,以飨读者。 Wei was born in 1995. He served as Director of the Religious Office of Hechi City in Guangxi and was an outstanding representative of religious cadres in the new era. As a cadre of religious work at the grassroots level, he worked diligently and silently in ordinary posts for decades. In him, he concentratedly embodies the spiritual outlook of religious cadres in the new era. In an effort to promote the spirit of Comrade Wei Yun’s service, in December 2005, the State Religious Affairs Bureau made a decision to conduct a study in the national religious work system toward Comrade Wei Wei. In the past six months or so, various religious work departments took various forms and actively carried out activities to learn from Comrade Wei Wei. They have achieved a positive effect in devotion, dedication, incorruptibility, studiousness and enterprising spirit among religious cadres. During the study of Wei’s comrades in the army, the Fujian Provincial Department of Civil Affairs held a special meeting of party committees to conduct research, and issued a circular to the ethnic and religious departments at all levels throughout the province to make arrangement and deployment. Hall leadership take the lead in learning, taking the lead to participate in the discussion, take the lead in writing experience articles, hall officials each cadre wrote a learning experience. Guangxi, as the hometown of Wei’s comrades in arms, conducted a wide range of learning activities under the call of the Religious Affairs Bureau of Autonomous Region and the Hechi Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China. On June 15, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region held a religious seminar in the entire district to systematically study the forum of Wei Yun’s comrades. Qi Xiaofei, deputy director of the State Bureau of Religious Affairs made a special trip to attend and make an important speech. More than 100 responsible comrades of religious work departments of cities and counties (cities and districts) in Guangxi attended the meeting, and six comrades made speeches at the meeting. The meeting also compiled the commentary of 33 comrades into written communication materials. In order to further promote the study of the activities carried out by Wei’s comrades in arms, the speech of Deputy Commissioner Qi Xiaofei and a summary of learning materials in Guangxi and Fujian are published in order to readers.
内容简介进京赶考名落孙山的杜家兴刚回到家乡德州县城,就被“拉郎配”拖进县太爷家,县太爷强行让他娶自己奇丑无比的女儿。杜家兴将计就计假意应亲, Content brief introdu
写下的彼岸 落在纸上  隔岸观火的人 有凝固之美  把纸点燃 彼岸成为灰烬  一个人无所事事  总重复做这些百无聊赖的事  只可惜了彼岸 无辜生死  它不被停靠 不依期待  无风 也没有水波咿咿呀呀  像一位落掉所有牙齿的寡人  当然更像是我 满怀的爱无處安放  每天反复被时光之刷 反复刷