Haste Makes Waste拔苗助长

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  Ding is a farmer. He is an impatlentperson.0ne day,he gets an idea to plant someseedlings.He buys some seedlings from themarket and plants them in the field carefully.He looks forward to a happy ending from thenon.小秧苗們会结出累累硕果吗?让我们一起来欣赏江苏省海门中南国际小学的同学们演绎的精彩童话剧吧!
  ( Rooster is croaking. A new day begins.)
  Ding: The sun is rising. Time to go to the field.
  Ding ' s wife: Honeyl Honeyl
  Ding: What ' s up? It ' s time to go to the field.
  Ding'swife: The seedlings are still at home.
  What will you plant?
  Ding: I' m sorry. I am too careless to forget the
  ( Ding plants all the seedlings in the center of the field.)
  Seedling A: It is warm here.
  Seedling B: I agree with you. Fresh air and soft soil.
  Seedling C: Better than before.
  All seedlings: Yes.
  Seedling D: Hey, guys. Do you know how long we will be here?
  Seedling A: When fall is coming, we will say goodbye.
  Seedling E: From spring to fall. People have to weed and fertilize us. Then we will keep healthy.
  Seedling B: That is right.
  Seedling C: I got it.
  Seedling A: It ' s getting late. Time to go to bed.
  All seedlings: Good night.
  Act 3
  (The night is coming. All seedlings have good dreams until the sun isrising. Roosteris croaking and all seedlings wake up.)
  Ding Xiaobao: Dad, where are you going?
  Fox: I' m going to check my seedlings. Will you come with me?Ding Xiaobao: No, thanks.
  (Ding hurries to check if the seedlings have grown up or not.)
  Ding: Why? How can you grow up so slowly? You all look the sameas yesterday. Tell me why.
  ( Ding smokes and wants to have a check tomorrow.)
  All seedlings: I hate smoke. Ding is too bad.
  Seedling C: Ding smokes all day.
  Seedling A: Yes. He looks so sad today.
  Seedling D: Yes. Do you know why?
  Seedling A: He thinks we grow too slowly.
  Seedling D: He is too stupid. Whatever, it ' s time to go to bed.
  Ding Xiaobao: Dad, you look so sad. What happened?
  Ding: Nothing. I am okay. I have a good idea now.
  (The sun is rising again. Ding wakes up early. After breakfast, hewalks to the field quickly. He is really happy for the idea. He goes tothe seedlings and pulls them up.)
  Sec(lling C: Hey, guys. I can not take a loreath. What about you?
  Seedling A: Me too. Helpl Helpl
  Seedling D: I am thirsty.
  Seedling B: I am dying. Who can help us?
  eedlliW E: Ding is too stupid. He doesn ' t understand the nature.
  Frogs: What happened? You are so weak. Come onl Don ' t sleep.
  Ding: It is a good day, isn' t it? I had a sweet dream. Oh, nol It is not dream. I think they all grow up. I can have a rest today.
  Ding Xiaobao: Dad, you look so happy.
  Ding: Can you help me to check the seedlings?
  Ding Xiaobao: No problem.
  Ding Xiaobao: Dad, Dadl
  Ding: What ' s up?
  Ding Xiaobao: All seedlings are dead.
  Ding: Are you joking?
  Ding Xiaobao: No, it ' s real.
  Ding: Oh nol That is not real.
  Old man: Ding, you pulled up all the seedlings, right? How can you:do this? I told you remember the growth nature.
  Ding: I am sorry. I won ' t do it againl(The End)
On Septemiber 1st(9月1日 )9 students and teachers in ChinaWill go back school. When do students in other countries go backto school? What do they do on that day? Let's go and have a Look.  Germony:  SWe
爱丽丝(Alice)十岁生日时收到许多玩具,芭比娃娃、泰迪熊、机器人大白、木偶匹诺曹、恐龙艾略特……夜深了,玩具们聚到一起热火朝天地聊起来,就像一个欢乐的大家庭。  自我介绍  Barbie: Hello.我是芭比娃娃。非常高兴认识你们!今天是我们相聚的第一天,请用“My name is…”介绍自己的名字,再用“I am…”介绍一下自己是什么玩具。I是“我”的意思,am表示“是”。“I am…”的
这幅画的主人忘记写名字了,你知道它是谁画的吗?  HINT: Look at the paint colors in each easel tray(畫架托盘).
Let everyone clap hands like him!  Come on and join into the game.  You'll find that we are the same.  (可乐 供稿)  (本欄目插图:张宇佳)  Words:  clap[kl?p]v.鼓掌,拍手  join[d???n]v.加入  find[fa?nd]v.发现  same[se?m]adj.
Autumn is coming. Leaves becomecolourful and beautiful. I cillect(收集)some leaves. Let's use them to make apicture(畫) of a pretty autumn girl!  What we need:  leaves,flowers,scissors(剪刀),colour paper,g
繪本导读  啊呀呀,不得了了,小老鼠背起他的小包袱,要离家出走了!小老鼠,你去哪儿呀?小老鼠说,他要去很远很远的地方,要去找一个全新的家——在那个家里,会有一个陪他玩游戏的新爸爸,一个陪他念故事书的新妈妈,一个不再欺负他的新哥哥,还有一个会加入他的团队、默默做后援的新姐姐。小老鼠能找到吗?他最终找到了什么?
听录音,根据自然拼读法把下面的字母按照正确的顺序组合。  Who is He?  听录音,根据描述,把对应的人物选出来。  Find the Differences  下面两幅图有哪些不同,你能找出来吗?  Little Rabbits  仔細观察图片,用手指出相应的兔子:  Before and After  请把前后相关的图片连线。  Magic Colors  下面的颜色混合,会变成什么颜色
Travel In Dubai
阅读提示  小松鼠感冒了,噴嚏打得鼻子都红了。小兔子打算为生病的小松鼠熬制一碗“痊愈汤”。她在森林里采了很多蘑菇放进锅里,还在汤里加入了一些特殊的原料,然后不停地搅拌。喝完“痊愈汤”,小松鼠能痊愈吗?Let’s read the Story.