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当前我国正处在从传统的计划经济向社会主义市场经济的转变中,这一时期的突出特点是计划与市场两种资源配置方式并存交错。由于在转轨时期,许多领域市场竞争不充分,行政力量和垄断力量在资源配置中起着很大作用,这导致了大量寻租机会的存在,也为腐败的滋生提供了土壤。一、不充分、不公平的竞争及其引发的腐败在当前的社会中非常普遍首先,从经济资源的配置来看: ——行业垄断排斥自由竞争,导致群体腐败、行业腐败大量滋生。我国历来对有关国计民生的行业(如金融、电力、邮政、交通等)直接垄断经营,不允许其他市场主体介入。国家垄断的行业过于宽泛,一些政府和官员过多考虑的是控制权收益。国家的一系列政策优惠保证了垄断行业和 At present, our country is in the transition from the traditional planned economy to the socialist market economy. The salient feature of this period is the co-existence of planning and market allocation of resources. Due to insufficient market competition in many fields during the transitional period, administrative power and monopoly power play a significant role in the allocation of resources, which has led to the existence of a large number of rent-seeking opportunities and provided the soil for the breeding of corruption. First, the inadequate and unfair competition and the corruption caused by it are very common in the current society. First of all, from the perspective of the allocation of economic resources: - Industry monopoly excludes free competition, resulting in the corruption of groups and the massive corruption of industries. Our country has traditionally monopolized the industries (such as finance, power, postal services, transportation, etc.) concerning the national economy and the people’s livelihood, and does not allow other market players to intervene. The industries monopolized by the state are too broad. Some governments and officials think too much about the benefits of control. A series of national preferential policies to ensure the monopoly industries and
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从小我就跟着爷爷奶奶一起生活 ,日子过得简简单单。打从我记事起 ,就发现爷爷奶奶并不多说话。早上起床后 ,爷爷便挑着菜蓝子到菜畦摘菜 ,奶奶则下厨烧饭。等到爷爷摘回菜 ,