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岳父家在一个小镇上,有山有水,很有“美丽乡村”的韵味。但我每次回去,都会睡不好。岳父家那栋楼对面是个屠宰场,相隔一条乡村马路,据说每天宰杀的生猪除了供应本镇的市场,还会将部分送去冷冻库。大概凌晨四点左右,屠宰场就开工了,因为没有任何隔音设施,猪的叫声传进我的耳朵,吵得我不能睡;而污水、猪毛等次生品,又把周围搞得臭气熏天。那天下午,我准备到河边走走,刚下楼,只见一辆 Father-in-law in a small town, mountains and water, very “beautiful country” charm. But every time I go back, will sleep well. Opposite the father-in-law’s house is a slaughterhouse, separated by a village road, which is said to have slaughtered pigs each day, in addition to supplying the town’s market, and sending some to the freezer. About 4 o’clock in the morning, slaughterhouse started, because there is no sound insulation facilities, pigs call into my ears, noisy I can not sleep; and sewage, pig hair and other secondary products, put around the smelly Gas smoked. That afternoon, I was going to the river walk, just downstairs, I saw a
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