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新年伊始,湖北省宜昌县粮食局便传出振奋人心的消息:宜昌县粮食流通体制改革取得明显成效,被评为1999年度宜昌市“粮改先进单位”。为此,县粮食局受到市、县级政府重奖。近日,笔者采访了宜昌县粮食局局长赵学军。谈到1999年宜昌县粮改取得的明显成效,赵学军如数家珍。一是敞开收购政策得到贯彻,国有粮食购销企业收购粮食10297吨,占全县粮食商品量的90%,基本控制了粮源。二是粮食实现顺价销售,全县国有粮食购销企业顺价销售商品粮19747吨,调销粮食9540吨,销量是上年的10倍,销售收入2596.7万元(不含调销收入),增长49.3%。三是收购资金保持封闭运行,新增库贷率、销售货款回笼率、归行率和收贷率分别达到100%,没有发生新的亏损挂账和其他 At the beginning of the new year, Yichang County Food Bureau of Hubei Province sent out encouraging news: Yichang County achieved remarkable results in the reform of its grain circulation system and was awarded the “Advanced Unit of Food Reform in Yichang City” in 1999. To this end, the county grain bureau by the city, county government rewarded. Recently, the author interviewed Yichang County Food Secretary Zhao Xuejun. Turning to the remarkable achievements made in the grain reform in Yichang in 1999, Zhao Xuejun is a household name. First, the policy of open acquisition was implemented. State-owned grain purchase and sales enterprises purchased 10297 tons of grain, accounting for 90% of the total grain output of the county, basically controlling the grain source. Second, the grain sales were realized at the same price. The state-owned grain purchasers and sellers in the entire county sold 19747 tons of commercial grain at a reduced price, repurchased 9540 tons of grain, and sold 10.9 times of the previous year with sales revenue of 25.967 million yuan (excluding sales revenue), up 49.3%. Third, the acquisition of funds to remain closed, the new library and loan rate, sales of money from the cage rate, the return rate and the loan-to-deposit ratio reached 100%, there is no new loss accounts and other
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对付蚊子六法 香水驱蚊:在床单上洒点香水,蚊子就不敢飞近。 香烟头驱蚊:把香烟头收集起来,剥取烟丝,投入厕所,可除臭驱蚊。 清凉油驱蚊:在卧室内,放几盒揭开盖的清凉油,可
以突出“弘扬鞋帽文化、推广中外名品”为主题的 2 0 0 0年秋季全国鞋帽商品交易会暨上海国际鞋帽商品博览会已于 9月 2 3日在上海闭幕。上海回力鞋业公司回力牌胶鞋、上海大
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