领导位高权重,统帅军马,牵一发系千钧;领导一言九鼎,金言玉律,军令如山倒。所以惯称领导为“头头”、“头家”,俗称“老板”。他就如在一个单位、组织或地区掌握生杀予夺大权的的父母官,甚或衣食父母,决定个人兴衰荣辱。因此头头、老板往往扮演着恩威并施、爱恨交织的角色。多少时候多少情况,你一方面必须对老板说“皇恩浩荡”,感激涕零,一方面则要“诚惶诚恐”,绝对顺从。如果你忤逆,再大能耐,再高理想,也可能是“一江春水向东流”。 有人会说,这多指封建时代、专制社会,然而铁板一块的国有企业、机关单位,家族主义的民营企业抑或一些等级森严的外资企业,头头、老板绝对权威何时跌落几何?
The leadership of high power, commanding troops and horses, led a hair Department Junwan; leadership a word Jiuding, golden words jade law and order downhill. So often used to lead the “first”, “head”, commonly known as “boss.” He just as a unit, organization or region to master the life and death to regain the power of the parents, or even food and clothing parents, decided the rise and fall of personal honor. Therefore, the boss, the boss often plays the role of Enwei and Shi, love and hate intertwined. How often or how often, on the one hand, you must say “magnificent imperialism” to the boss, grateful to tears, on the one hand you have to “fear and trepidation” absolutely obedient. If you 忤 inverse, and then capable, then high ideal, may also be “a river eastward flow.” Some people would say that this refers to the feudal era, autocratic society, however, a piece of iron and steel of state-owned enterprises, organs and units, private-owned family-run or some heavily foreign-funded enterprises, the first, when the absolute authority of the boss drop geometry?