,Comparison of short-term and long-term performances for polymer-stabilized sand and clay

来源 :Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liond1803
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A series of tests were carried out on sulfate rich,high-plasticity clay and poorly-graded natural sand to study the effectiveness of a methylene diphenyl diisocyanate based liquid polymer soil stabilizer in improving the unconfined compressive strength(UCS) of freshly stabilized soils and aged sand specimens.The aged specimens were prepared by exposing the specimens to ultraviolet radiation,freeze-thaw,and wet-dry weathering.The polymer soil stabilizer also mitigated the swelling of the expansive clay.For clay,the observations indicated that the sequence of adding water and liquid polymer had great influence on the gained UCS of stabilized specimens.However,this was shown to be of little importance for sand.Furthermore,sand samples showed incremental gains in UCS when they were submerged in water.This increase was significant for up to 4 days of soaking in water after 4 days of ambient air curing.Conversely,the clay samples lost a large fraction of their UCS when soaked in water;however,their remaining strength was still considerable.The stabilized specimens showed acceptable endurance under weathering action,although sample yellowing due to ultraviolet radiation was evident on the surface of the specimens.Except for moisture susceptibility of the clay specimens,the results of this study suggested the liquid stabilizer could be successfully utilized to provide acceptable strength,durability and mitigated swelling. A series of tests were carried out on sulfate rich, high-plasticity clay and poorly-graded natural sand to study the effectiveness of a methylene diphenyl diisocyanate based liquid polymer soil stabilizer in improving the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of freshly stabilized soils and aged sand specimens. The aged specimens were prepared by exposing the specimens to ultraviolet radiation, freeze-thaw, and wet-dry weathering. The polymer soil stabilizer also mitigated the swelling of the expansive clay. For clay, the observations indicated that the sequence of adding water and liquid polymer had great influence on the gained UCS of stabilized specimens.However, this was shown to be of little importance for sand.Furthermore, sand samples showed incremental gains in UCS when they were submerged in water.This increase was significant for up to 4 days of soaking in water after 4 days of ambient air curing. Conversely, the clay samples lost a large fraction of their UCS when soaked in water; howeve r, their remaining strength was still adequately showed resistance endurance under weathering action, although sample yellowing due to ultraviolet radiation was evident on the surface of the specimens. Except for moisture susceptibility of the clay specimens, the results of this study suggested the liquid stabilizer could be successfully utilized to provide acceptable strength, durability and mitigated swelling.
一加强民办高校大学生就业指导工作的意义  1有利于民办高校获得更长足的发展  虽然民办高校在近几年获得了蓬勃发展,但是社会对民办高校始终存在一定的质疑和偏见,认为民办大学培养出来的毕业生专业素质不高,就业前景不好,鉴于这种情况,民办大学势必要做好毕业生的就业指导工作,提高他们的就业率,同时就业情况的好坏也成为决定一所民办高校能否生存和继续发展的重要前提,一旦就业情况糟糕,不但严重影响学生的个人发展
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【摘要】作业是师生交流的桥梁,是课堂教学的延续,也是一个生动活泼、主动和富有个性的学习过程。一个班级的学生在知识能力、学习态度、学习方法等方面存在着较大的差异,而素质教育要求我们要面向全体学生,使每个学生的才能得到充分的发展。如何让优等生“吃得好”、中等生“吃得饱”、差等生“吃得了”,这就决定了现行的教育必须遵循因材施教原则,实行分层教学。  【关键词】分层作业;找出差距;划分层次;分层评价  【