
来源 :中国农村信用合作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:itlixw
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当前,正值农村信用社改革之际,部分农村信用社在内部职工入股最大化的情况下,为达到资本充足率规定条件,尚存较大的入股资金缺口,为了鼓励农民入股,便承诺给予入股农民3倍入股金额的贷款支持,以此来解决入股资金不足的问题。按照这种方式能够取得大量入股资金的同时,需要对入股农户按照承诺进行大量的贷款投放,由此引发的信贷投放资金严重不足和出现新的金融风险隐患不容忽视,应该密切注意和努力防范新的风险发生。 (一)社员“抢贷”风险。按照对农民的入股承诺,即按入股资金的3倍金额给予贷款,客观上要求农村信用社要有足够的自有可用资金,保证对入股农产的大量贷款投放。如果农户入股的目的全部是为了取得贷款支持,信用社的自有可用资金却很难满足入股农产贷款量的需求,就会存在较大的信贷资金缺口。按照中央银行专项票据发行规定要求,需要连续四个季度对充足率是否达到规定的标准进行考核,这部分农村信用社为了保证达到专项票据发行规定的条件,就需要扩大农民的入股金额和 At present, at the time of the reform of RCCs, some rural credit cooperatives, with the maximization of shares held by internal staff, still have a large funding gap in order to meet the capital adequacy ratio requirements. In order to encourage farmers to enter into shares, they are promised to give Shares of farmers 3 times the amount of stake in the loan support, in order to solve the problem of insufficient funds for shares. In this way, a large amount of funds can be obtained, meanwhile, a large amount of loans needs to be made to the peasants who are holding stocks according to their promises. As a result, a serious shortage of funds for credit and a new hidden risk of financial risks can not be ignored. Therefore, we should pay close attention and try our best to prevent new ones The risk occurs. (A) member “grab credit” risk. In accordance with the promised shareholding of peasants, that is, three times the amount of funds according to the shares to give loans, the objective requirements of rural credit cooperatives to have sufficient available funds to ensure that a large share of agricultural loans. If all the purpose of the shareholding of farmers is to obtain loan support, the self-owned funds of the credit cooperatives will hardly meet the demand for the amount of agricultural loans to be invested, and there will be a large credit fund gap. In accordance with the requirements of the Central Bank’s special issuance of special notes, four consecutive quarters of the adequacy ratio required to meet the required standard assessment, this part of the rural credit cooperatives in order to guarantee the conditions for issuance of special notes, you need to expand the amount of farmers shares and
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