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硬度是砂轮的最重的特性之一,一般是用机械锥法(例如用大越式硬度计)测定的。弹性模量作为砂轮的硬度测量因其具有真正的物理意义而对磨削研究者和砂轮制造者均有说服力。这种简便和无损的音响测量方法早已应用于陶瓷砂轮,但尚未能满意地应用于树脂结合剂砂轮,因为树脂本身具有吸潮的性质这种方法就被认为不适用于测定树脂的弹性模量E。在这个试验中,音响动弹仪如机械锥法同样地被采用是由于其测定快速和结果精确。同时,弯曲试验采用同样的试验来进行。为了使树脂砂轮的音响硬度能在实际中应用,需要了解弹性模量E和大越式硬度之间的相互关系。依试验结果获知它们之间存在着反比关系。弹性模量E和磨削性能之间的关系,即金属切除率和磨削比存在着明显的不确定性。但如果仔细地试验关于砂轮的组份似乎存在着良好的关系。在各种制造因素中,树脂砂轮的弹性模量E与结合剂量、生坯密度、结合剂类型、湿润剂种类和硬化条件有密切的关系,但磨料种类、粒度和填充材料不同时则未观察到有明显的不同。与抗弯强度不同,弹性模量E对结合剂本身的性质是很敏感的。总而言之,很显然,用音响法测定硬度也将适用于树脂砂轮。 Hardness is one of the most important features of grinding wheels and is generally measured by mechanical taper methods, such as using a large-scale durometer. Elastic modulus as a grinding wheel hardness measurement because of its true physical significance of grinding researchers and grinding wheel manufacturers are convincing. This simple and nondestructive acoustic measurement method has long been applied to ceramic grinding wheels but has not been satisfactorily applied to resin bonded grinding wheels because the resin itself has moisture absorption properties and is considered unsuitable as a method for measuring the elastic modulus E. In this test, acoustometers, like the mechanical cone method, are also used because of their fastness and accurate results. At the same time, the bending test is carried out using the same test. In order to make the acoustic hardness of the resin grinding wheel practically applicable, it is necessary to understand the relationship between the elastic modulus E and the oversized hardness. According to the experimental results, we know that there is an inverse relationship between them. The relationship between elastic modulus E and grinding performance, that is, metal removal ratio and grinding ratio, is obviously uncertain. However, it seems that there is a good relationship if one carefully tests the composition of the wheel. Among various factors of manufacture, the elastic modulus E of the resin grinding wheel is closely related to the bonding amount, the green density, the type of the binder, the type of the wetting agent and the hardening conditions, but not observed when the type of abrasive, the particle size and the filler are different There are obvious differences. Different from flexural strength, elastic modulus E is very sensitive to the nature of the binder itself. All in all, it is clear that acoustic measurements of hardness will also apply to resin grinding wheels.
一 引言 为计算结构连接件的疲劳寿命,无论是采用应力严重系数法还是应力应变法,都须对重要连接部位进行有限元细节分析,故应提供紧固件刚度方阵的刚度系数或柔度系数。目前
过碳酸钠Na_2CO_3·1.5H_2O_2是优良的漂白剂和杀菌剂。加热时,其中的P_2O_2按下式分解: Na_2CO_3·1.5H_2O_2→Na_2CO_3+1.5H_2O+0.75O_2 在40℃和相对湿度80%的条件下,用等
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