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机关是相对于基层而存在的,机关对基层的工作负有领导和指导的责任,基层工作中取得的成绩、存在的问题,以及基层干部的综合素质、工作方法等都与机关的指导有直接关系。因此,认真分析基层建设中出现的问题,端正抓基层指导思想,是克服形式主义、官僚主义,转变机关工作作风的有效途径。切实端正工作指导思想,始终把工作的着力点放在提高工作效率上。当前,机关中思想不求实,作风不扎实的问题还不同程度地存在,图虚名、争彩头,做表面文章的现象还时有表现。这些问题应引起各级高度重视,切实加以解决,以提高工作效率为根本标准。必须坚持对上负责与对下负责相统一,安排工作、部署任务要充分考虑基层的承受能力、不提脱离实际的口号,不定落实不了的目标,少说空话、多做实事,坚持求真务实,杜绝报喜藏忧的虚假作风、切实形成讲实话、办实事、求实数的良好风气。坚持贴近群众、贴近实际、贴近基层,扎扎实实办实事抓落实。近几 The organs are relative to the grass-roots level. Organizations have the responsibility of leading and guiding grass-roots work. Achievements and problems in grass-roots work as well as the overall quality and working methods of grass-roots cadres are directly related to the guidance of the organs. relationship. Therefore, a careful analysis of the problems that emerge in grass-roots construction and the correct implementation of the guiding ideology at the grassroots level are effective ways to overcome formalism and bureaucratism and change the working style of the organs. To truly correct the guiding ideology of our work, we always place the focus of our work on improving work efficiency. At present, the problems of not seeking truth from facts and not solidly working style still exist to varying degrees in the organs. These problems should be given high priority at all levels and be effectively resolved, with the goal of improving work efficiency as the fundamental standard. We must insist on being responsible for the responsibility of the people and be responsible for the unity of the people under the same responsibilities. We must give full consideration to the grassroots ability to carry out the task of deployment. Do not mention the actual slogan, the untenable goal, the less talkative, the more practical things, , Put an end to the fake style of collecting good news and collecting worries and earnestly form a good atmosphere of truthfulness, factual fulfillment and truth-seeking. Adhere to the masses, close to the reality, close to the grassroots level, do a solid solid work to do. Recent
目的:观察氩激光对视网膜静脉周围炎的治疗效果.方法:采用氩激光光凝术治疗32例44只眼视网膜静脉周围炎,早期治疗组14只眼,晚期治疗组30只跟,随访3~20月(平均随访6月). 结果:早期治疗组视力提高明显,且无一例视网膜新生血管出现,晚期治疗组可以有效封闭视网膜无灌注区,防止玻璃体积血的出现,改善其预后,激光治疗可有效防止或治疗视网膜新生血管.结论:采用氩激光治疗静脉周围炎早期较晚期有效,安全且
司马迁在《史记》中断定秦始皇烧掉了《诗》、诸子百家、《书》与诸侯史书。后代史学家也多这样认为。中学历史教材也有相同的看法。我认为 ,这是后人对秦始皇焚书的一种误解
近日,四川省劳动和社会保障厅出台《关于城镇灵活就业人员参加基本医疗保险的意见》,首次将非全日制工作的临时工、钟点工等吸纳进医保范畴。 Recently, the Department of