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我国《档案法》第十六条规定:“集体所有的和个人所有的对国家和社会具有保存价值的或者应当保密的档案,档案所有者应当妥善保管.”由这一条规定可以看出,集体和个人所有的对国家、社会有保存价值的档案也是国家文化财富的一部分;但是由于这些档案归集体和个人所有,因此,如何加强对这些档案,特别是重要档案的管理,不让其受到损毁,以便发挥其应有的社会作用这一问题应引起档案工作部门的重视.我以为,由档案馆代为保管私人档案,不失是一个较好的办法,这样,既可加强对这些档案的安全保护工作,又可把这些档案作为国家档案的补充,发挥其社会作用.本文就档案馆代管私人档案的诸问题提出看法,与同仁商榷.一、私人档案的涵义在国外,档案界大都把传统性档案分为公共档案和私人档案两类,公共性档案从总体上说是反映一个国家各个历史时期的各种决策活动、管理活动、交往活 Article 16 of the “Archives Law” in our country stipulates that “the archives owner shall keep all archives owned by the whole people and all individuals that are of preservation value to the state and society or should be kept confidential.” It can be seen from this provision that the collective And all the archives that are of value to the state and society are also part of the national cultural wealth. However, these archives are owned by individuals and collectives. Therefore, how to strengthen the management of these archives, especially important archives, so that they will not be damaged , In order to play its due role in society should arouse the attention of the archival work department.I think it is a good idea for the archives to keep private archives on their behalf so as to enhance the safety of these archives Protection work, but also these files as a supplement to the national archives, to play its social role.This article on the archives hosted by the private archives issues put forward their views, and my colleagues in the discussion. First, the meaning of private archives in foreign countries, most of the file world Traditional files are divided into public files and private files in two categories, public files generally reflect the various historical periods of a country Various decision-making activities, management activities, contacts and live
1.有人向您低价兜售药材、祖传宝物等;2.有人在您面前掉下一包钱或金饰,另一人上前捡到,并建议和您平分这些财物;3.有人称您有病或家人有灾,能为您治病、消灾; 1. someone t
庞杂而翔实的信息在瞬间飞速传递,一双双警惕的眼睛在犀利地寻觅,胆战心惊的在逃人员在恢恢天网下无处逃匿。 Huge and informative information quickly transmitted in an
1956年年底,《大众电影》第24期刊出了一则100余字不被人重视的 小消息《中国电影资料馆筹备处在京成立》。这则小消息宣布我国电影档案 事业迈出了第一步,中国电影从此有了