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现代文阅读是初中毕业学业考试语文试卷的主体板块,现代文阅读的评价目标是综合考查学生在阅读过程中的感受、体验、理解和价值取向,具体考查词句理解、文意把握、要点概括、内容探究、作品感受,核心是要考查学生真实的阅读能力。下面就近三年以来全国初中毕业学业考试语文试卷中的一些现代文阅读典型试题进行简要的评析,以把握现代文阅读考查的发展方向和趋势。 Modern reading is the main body of the junior high school graduation exam language test. The evaluation goal of modern reading is to comprehensively examine the students’ feelings, experience, understanding and value orientation in the reading process, and specifically examine the understanding of words and phrases, grasp of the meaning of the text, summary of the points, The core of content exploration and work experience is to examine students’ real reading ability. In the following three years, some typical examination questions in modern Chinese reading in the national examination papers for junior high school graduation exams have been briefly reviewed to grasp the development direction and trend of modern reading exams.
定理对边平行、对角线交于一点的凸2n 边形,其交点平分任一条对角线.证明:如图,在2n 边形 A_1A_2…A_(2n)中,A_1A_2∥A_(n+1)A_(n+2),…,A_nA_(n+1)∥A_(2n)A_1.对角线 A_1A
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