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小王是中学生,几年前,她的父亲肺癌晚期,生活无法自理,经常吐血,屎尿也拉在床上。一天,小王看着母亲护理父亲,爱干净的她感觉无法忍受,跑到外面大吐一场,此后便不愿进父亲卧室的门。不久父亲去世,她的房间也整理干净,但小王总觉得房间很脏。此后愈演愈烈,一进屋就觉得不自在,看着哪儿都觉得有问题。母亲想抚摸一下她,她会猛地躲开,后来她搬到一处空房住,每次母亲看望她走后,她便要卫生大扫除,碗筷煮了又煮,厕所冲了又冲,沙发套拆下来重新洗过,就连门柄也是擦了又擦……搞完屋内清洁,然后她自己也要彻底清洗,洗个澡,换一套衣服才能罢休。她原来也有一些要好朋友,但是到后来,她也不能忍受朋友到她的住处玩耍,渐渐地,她与朋友疏远了。有位工程师,老是觉得自己染上了病菌,每天要多次、长时间地洗手,别人也称他为“洗手狂”。原来,他的一位要好的同事死于癌症,病死的半年前曾在他家的床上睡过一次午觉,于是担心自己也会染上癌症,当即把被褥大洗一遍。以后还不放心,总觉得身上沾上了致癌的东西,每天要洗手多次。这种担心逐日加重,渐渐发展到不敢出门,不敢听别人谈到癌症或死亡的事,不敢到医院去看病,因为医院有各种病菌。爱清洁、讲卫生,本是一种良好的习惯,但是,像他们这样就成了病态,人们习惯称之为“洁癖”。 Xiao Wang is a middle school student. A few years ago, her father was late in lung cancer and was unable to take care of herself. He often vomited blood and urinates in bed. One day, Xiaowang watched his mother care for his father. When she loves to be clean, she feels unbearable. She ran out and vomited. She later refused to enter the door of her father’s bedroom. Soon after his father’s death, her room was cleaned, but Xiao Wang always felt that the room was dirty. Since then, it has become increasingly fierce, and once it enters the house, it feels uncomfortable. It looks problematic everywhere. The mother wanted to touch her. She would swiftly escape. Later she moved to a vacant room. Every time the mother visited her, she would have to clean it up. The dishes were boiled and boiled, the toilet rushed and the sofa washed. The suit was removed and re-washed, and the door handle was rubbed and rubbed again....The house cleaning was done, and she herself had to clean it thoroughly. She took a bath and changed her clothes before she could rest. She originally had some good friends, but later on, she couldn’t stand the friends to play in her place. Gradually, she was alienated from her friends. An engineer always feels that he is infected with germs. He has to wash his hands several times a day and for a long time. Others also call him a “handwasher.” It turned out that one of his good colleagues died of cancer. He had slept in his bed for six months before his death, and he feared that he would also get cancer. He immediately washed the bedding. In the future, I still feel uneasy, and I always feel that the body is stained with cancer-causing things. We must wash our hands several times a day. This concern has been increasing day by day, and it has gradually developed so far that it does not dare to go out and does not dare to listen to people talking about cancer or death. They do not dare to go to the hospital to see a doctor because the hospital has various germs. Love, cleanliness, hygiene, this is a good habit, but, like them, it becomes a morbid state, people are used to call it “cleanliness.”
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本期冲浪小技巧,黑龙将继续为大家带来惊喜。栏目内全是精彩、实用、好玩、能动手实践的文章以及小心得和小技巧,也欢迎大家投稿哦,不要忘了黑龙的邮箱是gl2003@263.net ^_^