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为充分利用硫铁矿尾矿砂、确立硫铁矿尾矿砂为主要成分的矿山废弃地的调控利用措施,以不同铜(Cu)、硫(S)处理土壤中栽植的1年生苹果树为试材,研究了土壤中的不同Cu、S含量对1年生苹果幼树生长发育的影响。结果表明:土壤Cu含量为48.80mg/kg时,致使1年生苹果幼树死亡。当土壤有效S含量>1 006.0mg/kg时,1年生苹果幼树的生长开始受到抑制;土壤有效S含量>1 590.7mg/kg时,1年生苹果幼树新梢生长量呈现迅速下降趋势;土壤有效S含量为2 404.5mg/kg时,致使1年生苹果幼树死亡。粗根Cu含量≥9.64mg/kg,S含量≥3 060.2mg/kg,树干Cu含量≥4.74mg/kg,S含量≥2 629.6mg/kg,1年生苹果幼树就会受毒害死亡。1年生苹果幼树各器官Cu元素分布规律为:细根>叶片>粗根>新梢>树干,S元素分布规律为:叶片>细根>粗根>新梢>树干。利用尾矿砂垫地时,要将混合后的土壤含S量控制在1 500mg/kg以下,尾矿砂比例控制在1/5以内。 To take full advantage of pyrite tailings sand, pyrite tailings sand as the main component of the regulation and utilization of mining wasteland, with different copper (Cu), sulfur (S) treatment of soil planted 1-year-old apple tree as the test material , The effects of different contents of Cu and S in soils on the growth and development of 1-year-old apple tree were studied. The results showed that when the soil Cu content was 48.80mg / kg, the annual apple tree seedlings died. When the soil available S content> 1006.0mg / kg, the growth of 1-year-old young apple trees began to be inhibited. When the soil available S content was more than 1 590.7mg / kg, the annual shoot growth of 1-year-old apple trees showed a rapid decline; Soil available S content of 2 404.5mg / kg, resulting in 1-year-old apple tree death. Cu content of coarse roots ≥9.64mg / kg, S content ≥3 060.2mg / kg, trunk Cu content ≥4.74mg / kg, S content ≥2 629.6mg / kg, 1-year-old apple tree will be poisoned to death. The distribution of Cu in 1-year-old apple tree organs was: fine root> leaf> coarse root> new shoot> trunk, and the distribution of S element was: leaf> fine root> coarse root> new shoot> trunk. The use of tailings sand pad, the mixed soil S content should be controlled at 1 500mg / kg or less, tailings sand proportion control within 1/5.
对湿地松对湿地松(Pinus elliottii Engelm.)×蓝果树(又称兰果)(Nyssa sinensis Oliver)×檫木(Sassafras tzumuHemsl.)(麻栎)(Quercus acutissima Carr.)混交林的测试分析
Bitcoin has gained its popularity for almost 10 years as asecure and anonymous digital currency. However, according to several recent researches, we know that i
1.香菇的盐渍加工  香菇盐渍方法简单易行,成本低、效果好,适于在短时间内,处理大量产品。盐水香菇也是罐头工业可以贮备的原料,盐水香菇经过脱盐处理后可再制成罐头或加工各种即食制品,在市场上颇受青睐。  1.1盐渍原理 盐渍香菇的含盐量达到35%,pH3.5,可以产生200个以上的大气压的渗透压,迫使多种微生物处于假死或休眠状态,达到香菇防腐保藏的目的。  1.2盐渍方法 盐渍香菇要清除有虫害的香菇