Why Do Roses Have Thorns1? 为什么玫瑰花有刺?

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WYQ1987412
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  One of the most beautiful flowers in the world is roses. They are a symbol of love and friendship and have an amazing fragrance2. Roses are red, pink, white; in fact, there are over 100 species of roses around the world!
  ●The Purpose of Thorns
  Roses come with sharp thorns. Scientists believe that roses have thorns to protect them from being eaten by animals who might be attracted to them due to their sweet fragrance.
  ●Story of Roses and Thorns
  The Native Americans believe that many years ago the rose bush had no thorns. They were just pretty pink roses with leaves and a smooth stem3, emanating4 sweet fragrance. But they made an easy catch for the rabbits and other predators5 that ate up entire bushes many times. The rose bushes met and decided to go to Nanahboozoo, a man who had magical powers. He was angry as the rose bush planted by him had also been eaten by rabbits. The rose bushes who came to see him, told him their story and Nanahboozoo gave them small thorns to cover their body so that no predator would eat them. So roses are able to grow bigger and prettier each year by using their thorns to scare off animals who intend to eat them up.
  1. thorn [■] n. 刺;荆棘 2. fragrance [■] n. 香味,芬芳 3. stem [■] n. 干;茎 4. emanate [■] v. 产生;散发
  5. predator [■] n. 捕食者
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