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目的了解北京市售即食熟肉制品中单核细胞增生李斯特菌污染情况及污染来源。方法采用MPN法定量检测即食熟肉制品中的单核细胞增生李斯特菌,在对分离菌株正确鉴定的基础上,对单核细胞增生李斯特菌分离株进行脉冲场凝胶电泳分型研究。结果 197份即食熟肉制品中有14份检出单核细胞增生李斯特菌,检出率为7.11%,平均污染水平为14.31 MPN/g。其中农贸市场采集的样品单核细胞增生李斯特菌污染率(13.89%)高于熟肉专卖店(8.57%)、超市(5.75%)和饭馆(2.56%)。而超市采集样品中该菌的平均污染水平最高,为22.78 MPN/g。共发现13种单核细胞增生李斯特菌PFGE型,其中从同一农贸市场采集的样品中分离到两株同一个PFGE型别的单核细胞增生李斯特菌,提示加工环境存在单核细胞增生李斯特菌的污染或加工过程的交叉污染。结论北京市售即食熟肉制品中存在单核细胞增生李斯特菌污染,农贸市场出售产品污染状况高于超市、熟肉专卖店和饭馆。 Objective To understand the contamination status and sources of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat cooked meat products in Beijing. Methods The Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat cooked meat products was quantitatively detected by MPN. Based on the correct identification of the isolated strains, the genotyping of Listeria monocytogenes isolates by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was studied. RESULTS: Listeria monocytogenes was detected in 14 out of 197 ready-to-eat cooked meat products, with a detection rate of 7.11% and an average contamination level of 14.31 MPN / g. The sampling rate of Listeria monocytogenes (13.89%) in the farmer’s market was higher than that of the cooked meats (8.57%), the supermarket (5.75%) and the restaurant (2.56%). The average concentration of the bacteria collected in the supermarket samples was the highest, 22.78 MPN / g. Thirteen species of Listeria monocytogenes PFGE were found, of which two strains of the same PFGE-type Listeria monocytogenes were isolated from samples collected from the same farmer’s market, suggesting the presence of monocytosis in the processing environment Contamination of bacteria or cross-contamination of the process. Conclusion There is Listeria monocytogenes contamination in ready-to-eat cooked meat products in Beijing. The pollution of the products sold in the farmer’s market is higher than that of supermarkets, cooked meat stores and restaurants.
UPM芬欧汇川于4月11日庆祝其亚洲研发中心创建十周年.UPM亚洲研发中心是UPM集团在全球投资建立的第四大研发机构,也是集团在亚洲的主要研发基地,更是其“绿尽其能 森林未来”
随着年龄的增长,老年人的消化系统发生了改变。消化道的蠕动及输送食物的功能减弱,胃张力、排空速度亦减弱,小肠、大肠萎缩,肠壁变薄,收缩力降低,蠕动缓慢。加之夏季天气炎热,出汗会使胃肠道津液的生成和分泌减少,胃肠蠕动更加缓慢,老年人易出现营养失调、腹胀、腹泻、便秘等现象。夏季饮食保健对于老年人来说越发显得重要。一般来讲,老年人夏季科学饮食应做好以下几点。    饮食要卫生    夏季,新鲜瓜果能消暑解
豆豉,又名淡豆豉,是用豆科植物黄豆或黑豆作原料,经过蒸煮,冷却后加入曲菌发酵,盐渍,最后晒干而成。豆豉在我国自古入药,历代医书均有记载。  传说王勃在为滕王阁作序的时候,与中药豆豉还有一段有趣的故事。唐上元二年间,南昌都督阎某于重阳节为重修滕王阁完成而大宴宾客。连日宴请,阎都督贪杯又感外邪,只觉得浑身发冷,汗不得出,骨节酸痛,咳喘不已,胸中烦闷,夜不得寐。请来了当时十多位名医诊治,众医都主张以麻黄
一、食用功能  食用菌营养丰富,具有很好的食用功能。  1.蛋白质含量高,脂肪含量低,是理想的高蛋白低脂肪食品。  1.1蛋白质  据测定:蛋白质平均含量以鲜重计算为3.69%(3%