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§1.问题的提出 汉字信息处理是我国军事指挥系统自动化建设必然要碰到也必须要解决的重大技术问题之一。因为在军事指挥系统中计算机不仅要解决科学计算和实时控制问题,而更重要的是要解决大量的事务处理问题。要实现军事情报的存档、检索、计算处理、综合、拟制作战文书、制表等一系列工作的自动化。所以必须要解决汉字的输入、输出、编辑、语言处理、远程终端等一系列技术问题。也就是要解决汉字信息处理问题。我们不可能想象,也绝不能要求我们部队的指挥员和工作人员全部用英文来完成这些工作。当然,除了在军事方面应用,随着四个现代化建设的发展,我国国民经济各个方面也将普遍推广应用计算机用于进行各种事务管理,包括工业生产的科学管理、仓库管理自动化、图书情报资料检索、银行业务自动化等等。所有这些都要求解决汉字信息处理问题。完全可以预料,在我们这样普遍使用汉字 §1. Putting forward the question The handling of Chinese characters is one of the major technical issues that must be solved in order to automate the construction of the military command system in our country. Because in the military command system computers not only have to solve the problems of scientific computing and real-time control, but more importantly, to solve a large number of transactional problems. It is necessary to automate a series of tasks such as archiving, retrieving, calculating and processing, synthesizing, preparing combat instruments and tabulation of military intelligence. Therefore, we must solve a series of technical problems such as input, output, editing, language processing, remote terminal and so on. That is to solve the problem of Chinese information processing. We can not imagine, and must not, require that the commanders and staff of our troops complete these tasks in English. Of course, in addition to military applications, with the development of the four modernizations, all aspects of our national economy will also be popularized and popularized by computers for the management of various affairs, including scientific management of industrial production, warehouse management automation, library and information materials Retrieval, banking automation and more. All of these require solving the problem of Chinese information processing. It is entirely predictable that Chinese characters are used universally
目前广泛采用的、包括通用数字计算机的平视显示系统 在经过了一百多万个飞行小时后,其效能与可靠性已得到了充分的证实。 最近研制的这种系统扩大子平视显示器计算机的作用
吊舱 一、美国空军现时希望,到1983年“宝石辨士”〈AN/AAS-35〉激光目标识别器吊舱系统能装备1300架A-10,A-17和F-16飞机。 所设计的这个装置是用于搜索、探测、跟踪和精
Background: Some case series and cohort studies suggest that acute GI bleeding decreases the sensitivity of Helicobacter pylori diagnostic testing. Objective: T