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<正> 大鼠是实验动物,对外界环境如温度、湿度、不良气体、噪音、营养缺乏等的变化很敏感。这些均会不同程度地影响动物的健康,以致发生疾病,从而影响动物的正常繁殖、生长,干扰动物实验的结果,导致科研成果的失败。我们在大鼠饲养管理工作中,常遇到以下几种疾病。
上海先进质子治疗设备采用第三整数的慢抽取。以便完成精确处理,高质量的喷洒被需要。因此,可以影响慢抽取的参数应该被模拟调查。同步加速器操作的一个计算机模型慢抽取与 MAT
<正> 根据全国防五总指挥部关于防制口蹄疫要采取行政、技术和经济手段相结合防制措施原则,结合我区实际,自1986年起,在我区一些地方,使用兰州兽医生物药厂生产的猪口蹄疫O型
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In this work, linear and mass attenuation coefficients,half and tenth-value layers, effective atomic numberand electron density of different types of concretes
To increase spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio in PET imaging, we present in this paper the design and performance evaluation of a PET detector module
In this study, concentrations of tritiated water(HTO) and non-exchangeable organically bound tritium(NE-OBT) and the NE-OBT/HTO ratios were determined in soil a
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A C-band RF pulse compressor is in development at SINAP It comprises of two resonant cavities,two mode convertors and a 3 dB power divider.TE0.1.15mode is selec