On the Present Leisure Anomalies in China —— Based on the Marxist Concept of Leisure

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According to the Marxist ideology,leisure is a state of survival based on free time,and its value orientation is to promote the all-round development of the people. How-ever,at present,leisure is restricted by consumption in people’s daily life in China and there are such phenomena as ceded leisure,materialized leisure and displayed leisure. How can the people really have the leisure time and w onderful life? The government shall direct people correctly relax through leisure education,regulate the development of the leisure industry to meet people’s needs concerning leisure,and supervise the mass media to guide people to have proper leisure consumption. According to the Marxist ideology, leisure is a state of survival based on free time, and its value orientation is to promote the all-round development of the people. How-ever, at present, leisure is restricted by consumption in people’s daily life in China and there are such phenomena as ceded leisure, materialized leisure and displayed leisure. How can the people really have the leisure time and w onderful life? Regulate the development of the leisure industry to regulate people’s needs concerning leisure, and supervise the mass media to guide people to have proper leisure consumption.
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