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我们人人都离不开枕头,它几乎陪伴了我们生命的三分之一。选择一个什么样的枕头,对我们的健康非常重要。一、怎样的高度才合适枕头不能过高,也不能过低,过高或是过低都会造成睡眠不适。枕头过高:排除患病因素,会出现颈部酸痛、头痛、头晕、耳鸣及失眠等脑神经衰弱情况,或是睡觉睡到一半感到手脚麻木,也许是枕头过高。枕头过低:如果临睡前没有喝过多水,但醒来后面部浮肿;下颌会因此向上抬,容易张口呼吸,出现打鼾的情况,可能是枕头过低引起的。1.通常情况下,枕头的适宜高度,以10~15厘米较为合适,但具体尺寸还要因 We are inseparable from everyone’s pillow, and it almost accompanies one-third of our lives. Choosing a pillow is very important to our health. First, what is the appropriate height of the pillow can not be too high, nor too low, too high or too low will cause sleep discomfort. Pillow too high: rule out the risk factors, there will be neck pain, headache, dizziness, tinnitus and insomnia and other brain weakness, or sleep half asleep feel numb hands and feet may be too high. Pillow too low: If you do not drink too much water before going to sleep, but woke up the face after the edema; jaw will therefore be lifted, easy mouth breathing, snoring may be caused by too low a pillow. 1. Under normal circumstances, the appropriate height of the pillow to 10 to 15 cm is more appropriate, but also because of the specific size
  Purpose: Genetic variants in apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5) have been shown to be associated with triglyceride (TG) levels and to influence lipid responses to fi
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Green monomers, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), are closely related to our daily life and highly desirable to be transferred to functional polymers with diverse s