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江泽民总书记在纪念中国共产党成立75周年座谈会的讲话中明确指出:党领导的事业要取得胜利,不但必须有正确的理论和路线;还必须有一支能坚决贯彻执行党的理论和路线的高素质干部队伍。这其中就包括建立一支跨世纪的高素质女领导干部队伍。跨世纪女领导干部应当是一支... In his speech at the symposium commemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, General Secretary Jiang Zemin clearly pointed out: To win the party’s leadership, we must not only have the correct theories and routes, but also have a high resolution that can firmly implement the party’s theory and line. Quality cadres. This includes the establishment of a cross-century high-quality female leadership team. Cross-century female leading cadres should be a ...
The enzyme, dipeptidyl peptidase Ⅳ(DPP Ⅳ), is a novel target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Dipeptidyl peptidase Ⅳ inhibition improves the impaired in
Chronic pancreatitis(CP) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pancreas. The main symptom of patients with CP is chronic and severe abdominal pain. However,
本文通过基层馆过刊工作实践,从过刊的合理上架、过刊目录组织及过刊装订、过刊管理,说明了过刊工作在图书馆工作中具有重要地位和作用。 This article through the grass-r
Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) is a common disorder of the gastrointestinal tract with unclear etiology and no reliable biomarker. Like other chronic and functio
AIM:To compare the clinical outcomes between 0.025-inch and 0.035-inch guide wires(GWs) when used in wire-guided cannulation(WGC).METHODS:A single center,random
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) has been identified as one of the most prevalent chronic liver disease in adults and children populations. NAFLD is usua
中学阅览室在构建和谐校园中具有为师生补充知识营养,提高综合素质的作用,是中学生心理健康教育的阵地,更是完成阅读育人,培养终身学习型人才的基地。 Middle school readin