坚持科学种田 年年高产稳产

来源 :广东农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ogldfish
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黄厝尾大队有1402人,耕地面积715亩,其中水田面积510亩,每人仅有5分地。在毛主席革命路线指引下,在“农业学大寨”群众运动中,我们以党的基本路线为纲,认真贯彻执行农业“八字宪法”,不断推行科学种田,获得了水稻连年高产稳产。1971—1972年,连续三造亩产跨《纲要》。1973年,双季水稻亩产突破了双千斤大关。全大队插植544亩双季水稻,平均亩产达到2042斤。1974年再次获得了轻灾大增产,重灾保千斤。全大队插植双季稻530亩。早稻成熟期虽然连续受到100多公厘的暴雨影响,仍获得单产960斤,比1973年同期每亩增产77斤,创造了历史最高 There are 1,402 people in the Yellow Crouching Battalion, 715 acres of arable land, of which 510 acres of paddy fields, each of only 5 points. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line and in the mass movement of “Learning from Dazhai in Agriculture,” we have taken the basic line of our party as the key link and conscientiously implemented the “Character Constitution” for agriculture. We have been implementing scientific farming and continuously obtaining high and stable paddy output in successive years. From 1971 to 1972, three consecutive acres of production across the “outline.” In 1973, the double-cropped rice exceeded the double-kilogram mark. The whole group planted 544 acres of double season rice, the average yield reached 2,042 pounds. In 1974 once again won a major increase in light disaster, heavy disaster protection and security. The whole team planted 530 acres of double cropping rice. Although the early rice maturing period was affected by the torrential rains over 100 mm in succession, it still obtained a yield of 960 kg, an increase of 77 kg per mu over the same period of 1973, creating the highest record in history
标题化合物是反应体系 (NH4) 3VS4/CoCl2 (PPh3) 2 /NEt4Cl在CH2 Cl2 中反应而得到的 ,单晶X射线结构分析表明 :其晶体属于立方晶系 ,化学式为C2 6 H35 NCl3CoP ,空间群为Pa3
目的肺炎链球菌(Streptococcus pneumoniae, S. pn)定植于人类上呼吸道粘膜表面,能引起肺炎、脑膜炎、败血症等一系列疾病,在全球范围内有较高的发病率和病死率。随着抗生素耐药
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