赤眼蜂的蜂群质量,是影响防治稻纵卷叶螟田间效果的先决条件。在有了良好的中间寄主前提下,要培育大量优质的赤眼蜂,还必须掌握好繁峰过程中的一整套技术。为此,我们今年对中间寄主柞蚕剖腹卵的摘腹适期,以及减少自产卵、不成熟卵的方法和赤眼蜂适宜冷藏出态等繁蜂过程中的几项技术进行了一些试验,现将结果小结如下。 一、剖腹卵的摘腹适期 实践证明,用柞蚕卵作赤眼蜂的中间寄主,剖腹卵比自产卵繁蜂好,接蜂快,寄生率高。但若剖腹卵摘腹时期不当,往往自产卵或不成熟卵较多。为此摸清雌蛾羽化后摘腹的适期,是获得较多成熟剖腹卵的主要关键。我们收集了同批正常羽化的经过交配或未经
Trichogramma bee colony quality is a prerequisite for the prevention and control of rice leafroller field effect. In the premise of a good intermediate host, to cultivate a large number of high-quality Trichogramma, you must also master the process of a set of peak technology. For this reason, we carried out some experiments on several aspects of the abdomen-adapted period of the caesarean section of tussah, as well as the methods of reducing self-spawning and immature eggs, The results are summarized below. First, the cesarean section of the abdomen suitable period Practice has proved that the use of tussah eggs as the intermediate host Trichogramma, cesarean section than the self-spawning bumblebee, pick fast, high parasitism. However, if the laparotomy cesarean inappropriate period, often more self-spawning or immature eggs. To find out the female moth eclosion after the appropriate period, is to obtain more mature laparotomy the main key. We collected the same batch of normal emergence of the mating or without