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絕育又叫做永久性节育。它是用手术把男子的輸精管或女子的輸卵管結扎起来,使睪丸产生的精子不能从輸精管通过,卵巢产生的卵子不能从輸卵管通过。只要夫妇两个人中间有一个施行手术,就可以不再生育,而达到永久节育的目的。精子是由男子的睪丸产生的,卵子是由女性的卵巢产生的。男子的睪丸的生理作用是制造精子和雄性激素(又叫做睪丸內分泌素),女子卵巢的生理作用是制造卵子和雌性激素(又叫做卵巢内分泌素)。内分泌素的作用是維持和促进性欲和性征的。因此,如果把睪丸和卵巢全部摘除,生育机能和性机能就被永久破坏了。封建統治时代,在帝王宮庭服务的侍者(太监)的睪丸都被摘除,使他不能产生性机能和生育机能。也有用摘除睪丸或卵巢的方法使耕畜馴服和使猪、鸡肥胖的。 結扎輸精管或输卵管与摘除睪丸或卵巢不同,这种手术是把輸精管或輸卵管切断,阻止精子和卵子会合的通路,而睪丸(或卵巢)产生精子(或卵子)和内分泌 Sterilization is also called permanent birth control. It is used to surgically connect a man’s vas deferens or a woman’s fallopian tube, so that the sperm produced by the licking pill cannot pass through the vas deferens, and the egg produced by the ovary cannot pass through the fallopian tube. As long as there is one operation between the two couples, they can no longer have children and achieve the goal of permanent birth control. Sperm is produced by the man’s testicles, and the egg is produced by the woman’s ovaries. The physiological role of man’s testicles is to make sperm and male hormones (also known as testosterone), and the physiological role of the female’s ovary is to make eggs and estrogen (also known as ovarian endocrine). The role of endocrine hormones is to maintain and promote sexual desire and sexuality. Therefore, if all the testes and ovaries are removed, the reproductive function and sexual function are permanently destroyed. In the era of feudal rule, the pillors of the waiter (eunuch) serving at the imperial court were removed so that he could not produce sexual function and reproductive function. It is also useful to pluck maggots or ovaries so that cultivators can tame and make pigs and chickens fat. Ligation of the vas deferens or fallopian tubes is not the same as the removal of the ecdysis or ovary. This operation is to cut the vas deferens or fallopian tubes and prevent the passage of the sperm and the egg, while the testis (or ovary) produces sperm (or eggs) and endocrine secretion.