
来源 :重庆工贸职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq591570317
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目前,高职教育正处在一个发展阶段,教育规模的扩大和招生人数的增加,使得学生生源素质大大降低,严重影响了教学质量。因此,提高教育教学质量是高职院校面临的主要问题。本文从办学定位,教师队伍建设,专业和课程设置,质量监控体系等几个方面对如何提高高职教育教学质量的加以浅析。 At present, higher vocational education is at a developing stage. The expansion of education scale and enrollment increase the quality of students’ students greatly, which seriously affects the quality of teaching. Therefore, improving the quality of education and teaching is the major problem facing vocational colleges. This article analyzes how to improve the teaching quality of higher vocational education from such aspects as the orientation of running a school, the construction of teachers, the specialty and curriculum setting, the quality control system and so on.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。钱同惠副教授 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Qian Tonghui assoc
我国著名的血液学家、医学教育家、国家一级教授邓家栋先生因病医治无效于2 0 0 4年5月2 2日在京逝世,享年98岁。邓家栋教授1933年毕业于北京协和医学院,获博士学位。1938~194
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