Day and Night Overlap: Jan Pato(c)ka's Phenomenological Interpretation of the Front-Line Experi

来源 :中国哲学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong572
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With insight from the methodology of phenomenology,Jan Pato(c)ka draws multiple meanings from the special front-line experience,including new understanding of the fringe of death,absolute freedom,universal responsibility,and solidarity with enemies.The front-line experience is in sharp contrast with daily life experience,and is regarded by Pato(c)ka as a continuous consciousness of problematization toward history.This consciousness,which the front-line experience gives rise to,can be maintained through true care for reality and history.Pato(c)ka names this care for the soul and regards it as the core of the European spirit.The potential philosophical and historical value of the front-line experience urges Pato(c)ka to maintain an etal fight,and he eventually concludes that it is this etal fight that brings forth etal peace.
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