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一、选择外销渠道的一个重要观念 任何营销策略与方案都须以目标市场的需求为根本出发点,渠道的选择也是如此。目前,我国外贸销售工作中的一个严重趋向就是将第一手外商当成了最终买主,以货物脱手和换取外汇为完成任务的标准,这无疑是将销售过程中的管理权丢给外商,结果不仅获利低微而且无益于开拓国际市场。国际营销者应该懂得国外消费者才是外销产品的最终买主,渠道的开发必须要建立在这个目标市场的基础上,也就是要以最终消费者为依据选择有力的批发商或第一手客户,从而建立一条将产品送到消费者手中的最富有竞争力最有效的渠道。不难看出选择客户须以目标市场为导向,不应将选择客户作为目的而是要将其视为实现产品外销的手段或工具。 First, choose an important concept of export channels Any marketing strategy and program must be based on the needs of the target market as the fundamental starting point, the choice of channels is the same. At present, a serious trend in China’s foreign trade sales work is to treat first-hand foreign investors as the ultimate buyer, taking the goods out and exchange foreign exchange for the completion of the task. This is undoubtedly the loss of management rights in the sales process to foreign investors. Profits are low and not conducive to opening up the international market. International marketers should understand that foreign consumers are the ultimate buyers of export products. The development of channels must be based on this target market, that is, they must select the most effective wholesalers or first-hand customers based on the final consumers. This creates a most competitive and effective channel for delivering products to consumers. It is not difficult to see that the selection of customers must be guided by the target market and should not be regarded as the purpose of selecting customers but as a means or tool for achieving the export of products.
随着21世纪的到来,人类已进入知识经济时代,作为人类历史上最伟大的发明之一的信息技术的应用已渗透到人们生活的各个方面。传统的教育观念、教育手段都不可避免地 With the
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在风景秀丽的黑龙江省七台河市,有 一支远近闻名、创建省级文明村的民兵队 伍--茄子河区富强村女子民兵排。女民 兵排组建4年来,把一个刑事案件不断、 超生现象普遍、聚众赌