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近年来,青岛莱西市始终把招商引资作为经济发展的最大潜力所在、后劲所在,坚持招商和服务并举,以硬手段治理软环境,促进了全市招商引资工作的持续、快速发展。今年1-8月份,全市共引进外资项目145个,合同利用外资4.12亿美元,实际利用外资2.8亿美元,同比分别增长35%和63.9%,其中新引进投资额500万美元以上的外资项目31个,实现外贸出口4.16亿美元,同比增长20.7%;续建、引进内资项目407个,投资总额54.12亿元,实际利用内资17.42亿元,同比分别增长47%和10.96%,其中新引进投资额1000万元以上的内资项目89个。环境是生产力,也是区域经济核心竞争力的集中体现。莱西市位于青岛的最北部,与其他区市相比,区位优势并不突出,对此,莱西的决策者们始终都有着清醒的认识。他们认为,要得到客商的认可,必须趋利避害,化劣势为优势,为外商提供更加优质的服务。敢于让环境说话,才是莱西市招商引资一路凯歌的根本原因所在。 In recent years, Laixi City, Qingdao City, has always regarded investment promotion as its greatest potential for economic development. Its perseverance lies in its persistence in attracting business and service. It also manages the soft environment by hard means and promotes the continuous and rapid development of the city’s investment attraction. From January to August this year, a total of 145 foreign-funded projects were introduced in the city. The contract utilized foreign investment of 412 million U.S. dollars and actual utilized foreign capital of 280 million U.S. dollars, up 35% and 63.9% over the same period of last year respectively. Among them, foreign-funded projects newly introduced with an investment of over 5 million U.S. dollars 31 And achieved a total export volume of 416 million U.S. dollars, up 20.7% over the same period of last year. The number of domestic-funded projects was 407, with a total investment of 5.412 billion yuan. The actually utilized domestic capital was 1,742 million yuan, up 47% and 10.96% More than 10 million yuan of domestic-funded projects 89. Environment is productivity, but also a concentrated expression of the core competitiveness of the regional economy. Lacey is located in the northernmost part of Qingdao. Compared with other districts and municipalities, Lacey city does not have obvious geographical advantages. Therefore, Lacey policymakers always have a clear understanding. In their opinion, if they are to be recognized by merchants, they must take advantages and avoid disadvantages and turn inferior into advantages so as to provide more high-quality services to foreign investors. Dare to speak to the environment, is the fundamental reason why Laixi City invites investment all the way.
在我国开放型经济初具规模的背景下,要着眼于国际国内两个市场、两种资源,进一步发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,完善宏观调控体系。 Against the background of the siz
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大学英语听力课是《大纲》所规定的主要课程之一。《大纲》对听力教学要求作了明确具体的规定,提出了两个应当予以高度重视的问题,即打好语言基础和重视培养运用语言进行交际的能力。文章探讨的是围绕《大纲》要求进行的大学英语听力教学。   大学英语听力课是《大纲》所规定的主要课程之一。听力测试在各种英语等级考试中占有一定的比例。英语学习四项基本技能“听、说、读、写”中,听力位于首位。英国教育学家L·