Modeling sulfur retention in circulating fluidized bed——Application of percolation theory

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHANGLONGQI008
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As a new treatment of sulfur retention in circulating fluidized bed, the intraparticle diffusion of the gaseous reactant is examined based on percolation on a Voronoi tessellation of polyhedra representing the porous structure of calcined limestone added to the bottom of a circulating fluidized bed combustor. Model predictions on the effects of various operating conditions on sulfur retention efficiency are found to agree well with experimental data. As a new treatment of sulfur retention in circulating fluidized bed, the intraparticle diffusion of the gaseous reactant is examined based on percolation on a Voronoi tessellation of polyhedra representing the porous structure of calcined limestone added to the bottom of a circulating fluidized bed combustor. on the effects of various operating conditions on sulfur retention efficiency are found to agree well with experimental data.
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