驾驭市场 盘活资金 提高效益

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开封机械厂是国家大型农机生产企业,主要产品中州牌小四轮拖拉机,在历届行业评比中均名列前茅,保持了十二年稳定持续发展。1996年再创本厂历史最好水平,并有八项指标位居全国同行业前列。为了缓解资金紧张状况,保障生产经营正常有序进行,我厂以资金管理为突破口,以货款回收为中心,以资金使用为重点,对外采取机动灵活的销售策略,确保货款的及时回收;对内以销售回款作为职工收入的主要考核指标,调动全体职工生产经营的积极性,使我厂的流动资金状况出现了前所未有的宽松和盈余,1995年以后完全依靠自有资金。我们的做法是:一、以货款回收为中心:加快资金周转速度在多年的资金管理实践中,我厂逐渐形成了一套有效的清收货款的办法。 Kaifeng Machinery Factory is a national large-scale agricultural machinery manufacturing enterprise. Zhongzhou brand small four-wheel tractor, the main product, is among the best in the successive industry competitions, and has maintained a stable and sustainable development for 12 years. In 1996, we set a new record for the history of the plant, and eight indicators ranked among the top in the industry in the country. In order to ease the situation of capital shortage and ensure the normal and orderly production and operation of our production, our factory takes the fund management as a breakthrough point, focuses on the recovery of loans, focuses on the use of funds, and adopts a flexible and flexible sales strategy to ensure timely recovery of payment. The use of sales receipts as the main assessment indicator for employees’ income mobilized the enthusiasm of all employees for production and operation, resulting in unprecedented looseness and surplus in the liquidity situation of our factory. After 1995, it completely relied on its own funds. Our approach is: First, to focus on payment recovery: to speed up the capital turnover rate In the years of money management practices, our factory has gradually formed a set of effective methods to clear payment.
1998财年首 3Com公司在9月23日正式宣布,截止到8月31日的1998财年的第一季度销售收入为16亿美元,比去年同时期上升了28%。其中下包括重复计算3Com与U.S.Robotics于6月12日正
你没有理由不想! 你没有理由不想辉焯灿烂的生命。你没有理由不想金钱地位名车豪宅靓女权力。一如你没有理由不疯,当别人全部神智不清;休更没有理由不想,当一切刚刚开始。猫
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