
来源 :晚霞 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqhy2009
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1月3日上午,巴蜀现代文学史上旗帜性领袖人物马识途百岁生日之际,四川省博物馆举办了“马识途百岁书法展”。此次展出作品内容为马识途自作诗词230余件,深受观者赞誉。按照马识途及其家人的意愿,此次作品义卖所得,将全部捐赠给四川大学文新学院作为奖学金,用于资助热爱文学但家境贫寒的大学生。在展览开幕仪式上,四川省委宣传部、四川省文联领导高度评价了马识途的笔耕精神、艺术成果和无私奉献。 On the morning of January 3, Sichuan Provincial Museum held the “100-year-old Calligraphy Exhibition of Horse-knit” on the occasion of the 100th birthday of the banner leaders in the history of modern literature of Sichuan. The exhibition works for the content of self-made poems Messire more than 230 pieces, praised by the viewer. In accordance with the wishes of Mastiff and his family, all proceeds from the sale of this work will be donated to the Wenxin Institute of Sichuan University as a scholarship for the funding of university students who love literature but are in a poor family. At the opening ceremony of the exhibition, the Propaganda Department of Sichuan Provincial Committee and the leaders of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles in Sichuan Province spoke highly of the penmanship, artistic achievements and selfless dedication of Ma Shifu.
看人脸色,通常为贬义,意为仰人鼻息,趋炎附势,惟命是从。现在,我们不妨换个角度将它作新的诠释。对于各级党政领导来说,经常注意观察群众的脸色,则是 Look at the face, usu
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A new kind of second order nonlinear optical(NLO) material m hydroxybenzoic acid(HBA) was reported in this paper. Primary study results revealed that it ha
采用高剪切引起的相容与振动剪切保压方式控制共混物的形态 ,结果表明 ,当共混体系中 HDPE/PP为 92 /8时的试样拉伸强度为 97.1 MPa,而 80 /2 0试样的缺口冲击强度为 4 5.5k
用新型催化体系 Ti Cl4,Ti( OBu) 4/Mg Cl2 ,Si O2 和 Zn Cl2 /醇 /Al R3催化乙烯与 1 -丁烯气相均聚及共聚 ,制得两种共聚物弹性体 ,发现新型催化剂体系具有独特的齐聚和原
1992年美国Mobil公司[1,2]首次以表面活性剂为模板, 合成出具有特定孔道结构和规则孔径的中孔分子筛. 近7年来以离子或中性表面活性剂为模板制备硅中孔或过渡金属掺杂的中孔