Construction of mTNFR1shRNA Plasmid and its Biological Effects on MHV-3 Induced Fulminant Hepatitis

来源 :中国病毒学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujielele
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Previous study on TNFRl-mediated hepatocyte apoptosis has been implicated in the development of fulminant viral hepatitis.To interfere with the potentially effective target,plasmid named p-mTNFR1shRNA complimentary to the sequence responsible for mTNFR1 was also constructed and further confirmed by sequence analysis.To investigate the effect of mTNFR1shRNA plasmid on mTNFR1 expression in vivo and the disease progress in MHV-3 induced fulminant hepatitis mice model.By hydrodynamic injection of mTNFRlshRNA plasmid,the survival rate of mice,hepatic pathological change were examined and compared between mice with/without mTNFR1 shRNA plasmid intervention.The expression of mTNFR1 was detected by Real-time PCR,immunohistochemistry staining.The mTNFR1 shRNA plasmid significantly reduced mTNFR1 expression in vivo,markedly ameliorates inflammatory infiltration,prolonged the survival time period and elevated the survival rate from 0 up to 13.3% in Balb/cJ mice with MHV-3 induced fulminant hepatitis.This study was designed to explore the opportunity of RNA interference technique in inhibiting TNFR1 expression,which has been reported to be involved in the development of a variety of diseases including fulminant viral hepatitis and severe chronic hepatitis B.
目的 探讨系统化全程护理干预对食管癌患者术后生活质量的影响.方法 选择我院胸外科行食管癌手术患者106例,按随机化原则分为对照组52例和干预组54例.对照组采取常规的治疗和
目的 观察中药配合针刺拔罐为主治疗带状疱疹的临床疗效.方法 将160例带状疱疹患者随机分为两组各80例.对照组采用静点阿昔洛韦,局部外用阿昔洛韦膏、依沙吖啶溶剂治疗.治疗
目的 观察电针结合耳穴压籽法治疗丛集性头痛的临床疗效及对不良反应的干预.方法 98例病例采用随机数字表随机分为两组各49例.对照组给予常规药物治疗,治疗组在对照组治疗基
本研究旨在通过分析非酒精性脂肪性肝病(non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,NAFLD)及代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MS)在居民中的分布特点、患病情况及其相关性,为防治NAF