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目的了解惠州市大亚湾区2012年入托、入学查验证和计划免疫工作现状,为完善预防接种证查验制度和部门职责分工互相协作提供依据。方法根据惠州市卫生局和教育局发布的《关于开展全市入托入学儿童预防接种查验证督导工作的通知》;按照《广东省儿童入托、入学查验预防接种证工作督导检查方案》对全区17所幼儿园、19所小学共16476名入托、入学儿童预防接种证及接种登记情况进行查验。结果接种证查验率98.11%,登记率100%,持证率98.33%,全程接种率76.34%,补种人数3 388人,占应补种人数的88.58%,卡介苗、乙肝疫苗、麻疹疫苗平均接种率达到96%以上,白破疫苗、A+C群流脑疫苗、乙脑疫苗平均接种率相对较低。结论大亚湾区2012年儿童入托、入学查验预防接种证工作全面开展,要采取措施加大宣传力度,提高全程接种率,加强教育、卫生部门协调,建立入学后查漏补种反馈机制,进一步提高补种率。 Objective To understand the status quo of Enrollment, Enrollment Verification and Planned Immunization in Daya Bay District, Huizhou in 2012, and provide basis for improving the system of checking vaccination certificates and the division of responsibilities of departments. Methods According to the Notice on Carrying Out the Supervision Work of Check-in Vaccination for Children Enrolled in the City, issued by Huizhou Municipal Health Bureau and Education Bureau, in accordance with the Supervision and Inspection Scheme for the Work of Immunization Vaccination for Children Enrolled in Guangdong Province, 17 A total of 16,476 nursery schools and 19 primary schools were enrolled, and vaccination certificates and vaccination registration for children were checked. Results The vaccination certificate examination rate was 98.11%, the registration rate was 100%, the certificate rate was 98.33%, the entire vaccination rate was 76.34%, the number of replantation was 3 388, accounting for 88.58% of the number of replanting. The average vaccination doses of BCG vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine and measles vaccine The rate reached 96%, white broken vaccine, A + C group meningitis vaccine, JE vaccine, the average vaccination rate is relatively low. Conclusion In 2012, the work on nursery admission and entrance examination vaccination certificates for children in Daya Bay district was carried out in an all-round way. Measures should be taken to step up publicity efforts, increase vaccination coverage throughout the entire district, strengthen coordination between education departments and health departments, establish a post-enrollment leak detection and replanting feedback mechanism, Seed rate.