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支气管哮喘做为呼吸系统的重要疾病之一 ,一直为医学界所关注。不仅WHO制订了全球哮喘诊治创议 ,各国亦制订了各自的诊治指南以防治致死性哮喘。研究不仅关注成人哮喘 ,而且愈益注意儿童哮喘。不仅进行大规模的流行病学调查 ,而且从基础研究到临床诊治 ,近年来都有较大进展。本专辑选译自《日本临床》杂志 2 0 0 1年第 59卷第 1 0期特集—气管支喘息———基础·临床の进步と展望。相信本专辑会给呼吸科医生提供一系列基础、临床研究信息。 Bronchial asthma as one of the important diseases of the respiratory system, has been of concern to the medical profession. Not only WHO has drawn up a global asthma diagnosis and treatment initiative, and various countries have also formulated their own guidelines for treatment and prevention of fatal asthma. The study not only focused on adult asthma, but also increasingly focused on childhood asthma. Not only large-scale epidemiological investigation, but also from basic research to clinical diagnosis and treatment, have made great progress in recent years. This album is translated from "Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 2001 Vol. 59 No. 10 special feature - tracheobronchial asthma --- basic, clinical progress and prospects. I believe this album will give respiratory physicians a series of basic, clinical research information.
本文提出了一种沿工件轴向进给、倒置90°安装的圆体成形车刀廓形的精确设计方法。 In this paper, an accurate design method of the round profiled turning tool along th
目的 :研究氟哌啶醇季铵盐衍生物 (F2 )对大鼠心肌缺血再灌注损伤保护作用的影响。方法 :大鼠冠状动脉左前降支结扎 3 0min后恢复血液灌注 3 0min ,于缺血前舌下静脉注射不同
Background: Dermoscopy improves the diagnostic accuracy in pigmented skin lesions, but it is also useful in the evaluation of nonpigmented skin tumours as it al
目的 研究芸香苷 (Rutoside,Ru)皮下注射对大鼠实验性急性胰腺炎的预防性保护作用。方法 脱氧胆酸钠逆行胆胰管注射和胆胰管结扎诱导 2种急性胰腺炎 (acutepancreatitis,AP
本文介绍在内、外圆锥面上割槽时,采用定位块定位之定位块的尺寸计算方法,并对两种定位块定位方法进行比较。 This paper introduces the method of calculating the size of
本文介绍了DN─4×125型卡车车箱板边/后板页板总成多点焊机。该机在保证焊接质量和生产率的前提下,成功地解决了9个品种车箱板混流生产中页板总成与车箱板的焊装问题。 This article