70年代末期,学者们将典型心绞痛、运动试验阳性、冠状动脉造影阴性的一组表现统称为X综合征,近年来.随冠脉造影的普遍开展,病例逐渐增多,现将我院95例冠脉造影中发现的3例报告如下.病历摘要例1,男,51岁,阵发性心前区压榨感,伴呼吸困难、大汗、发绀、左上肢发麻12年.多半于劳累或情绪激动时发作,偶有安静时发作,持续时间5′~30′不等,服用硝酸甘油类药物可缓解.静息心电图Ⅲ、avF的T波双相、倒置.运动试验(Brace方案)3级时出现单源多发室早,ST Ⅱ、Ⅲ、avF、V_3~V_6水平
In the late 1970s, scholars put typical angina, exercise test positive, coronary angiography negative of a group of performance collectively referred to as syndrome X. With the prevalence of coronary angiography, the cases gradually increased, now in our hospital 95 cases Pulse angiography found in 3 cases are as follows .Brief record of cases 1, male, 51 years old, paroxysmal nausea with crush, with respiratory difficulties, sweating, cyanosis, left upper limb numbness 12 years, mostly in fatigue or emotion Excitation episodes, seizures occasionally quiet, the duration of 5 ’~ 30’ range, taking nitroglycerin drugs can ease. Resting ECG Ⅲ, avF T wave biphasic, upside down. Exercise test (Brace program) Level 3 A single source of multiple premature ventricular tachycardia, ST Ⅱ, Ⅲ, avF, V_3 ~ V_6 levels